On 10/12/2015 6:59 AM, Winnux wrote:
> I have found a few users suggesting that echo "list clients" | bconsole is an 
> ideal way to pass a command into bconsole and get the results to shell. I 
> found this very useful at times, particularly when issuing the messages 
> command as they scroll much slower in bconsole than in shell.
> issuing the command with the | in it is not convenient or fast when typing, 
> so I wanted to create an alias to handle this. The problem was that the pipe 
> '|' would break the alias command as normally written.
> Placing the following text into your .bashrc file will create the function 
> BconCommand and alias it to bcon, which will allow you to pass in quote 
> encapsulated commands to bconsole and get the results back to your ssh 
> terminal a little faster and easier.
> alias bcon=BconCommand
> function BconCommand()
> {
> echo $1 | bconsole
> }
> usage:
> bcon 'list clients'
> bcon 'list jobs'
> bcon 'list jobid=2551'
Why didn't you just do:
$ function bcon
        echo $* | bconsole

Which means it's just:
$ bcon list media
$ bcon status dir

                Gary    B-)

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