I am using Bacula 7.2.0 as supplied by Fedora 23. In the previous version (7.0.5 from Fedora 22) when a tape filled, the storage daemon would ask for a new tape, and the interval for each succeeding reminder would double. That was good, because it only resulted in a few emails even if it took me several hours to respond.
For some reason, the new storage daemon is not doubling the interval between reminders. Instead, it sends a new reminder every 5 minutes. Here is a partial log showing the new behavior: 08-Nov 12:05 saf-sd JobId 5187: End of medium on Volume "tape108" Bytes=1,047,107,993,600 Blocks=998,599 at 08-Nov-2015 12:05. 08-Nov 12:05 saf-dir JobId 5187: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "tape109". Marking it purged. 08-Nov 12:05 saf-dir JobId 5187: All records pruned from Volume "tape109"; marking it "Purged" 08-Nov 12:05 saf-dir JobId 5187: Recycled volume "tape109" 08-Nov 12:05 saf-sd JobId 5187: Please mount append Volume "tape109" or label a new one for: Job: nas.optonline.net.2015-11-07_23.05.00_16 Storage: "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) Pool: LTO-4-TAPES Media type: LTO-4 08-Nov 12:10 saf-sd JobId 5187: Please mount append Volume "tape109" or label a new one for: Job: nas.optonline.net.2015-11-07_23.05.00_16 Storage: "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) Pool: LTO-4-TAPES Media type: LTO-4 08-Nov 12:15 saf-sd JobId 5187: Please mount append Volume "tape109" or label a new one for: Job: nas.optonline.net.2015-11-07_23.05.00_16 Storage: "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) Pool: LTO-4-TAPES Media type: LTO-4 08-Nov 12:20 saf-sd JobId 5187: Please mount append Volume "tape109" or label a new one for: Job: nas.optonline.net.2015-11-07_23.05.00_16 Storage: "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) Pool: LTO-4-TAPES Media type: LTO-4 --- snip --- 08-Nov 22:10 saf-sd JobId 5187: Please mount append Volume "tape109" or label a new one for: Job: nas.optonline.net.2015-11-07_23.05.00_16 Storage: "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) Pool: LTO-4-TAPES Media type: LTO-4 08-Nov 22:15 saf-sd JobId 5187: Recycled volume "tape109" on tape device "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0), all previous data lost. 08-Nov 22:15 saf-sd JobId 5187: New volume "tape109" mounted on device "LTO-4" (/dev/nst0) at 08-Nov-2015 22:15. These messages (and emails) continued for many hours before I was able to mount a new tape, resulting in over 100 emails. :-( According to dir_ask_sysop_to_mount_volume() in stored/askdir.c, the code should still be calling double_dev_wait_time(), but that doesn't seem to be happening, for some reason. I don't know if this is something strange about the Fedora 23 build, or some deliberate change to the behavior in 7.2.0. Perhaps I need to change the .conf file to specify the old behavior? Hints appreciated! Steve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Presto, an open source distributed SQL query engine for big data, initially developed by Facebook, enables you to easily query your data on Hadoop in a more interactive manner. Teradata is also now providing full enterprise support for Presto. Download a free open source copy now. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=250295911&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users