Hello Kern,

Thank you. I did not remember to mention about the TLS Authentication. And
this is a possibility of verifying the client (peer/FD) before data
exchange between daemons.

I thought that Markus was talking about data authenticity and not FD
authentication. In the first case, the goal is to assure the source of the
data. This can be achieved using a MAC (Message Authentication Code) or pki
digital signatures. The TLS Authentication (TLS Verify Peer = yes) used by
bacula daemons are intended for entity authentication, which means that
they (daemons) are sure that the other entity (the other daemon) they are
talking to is who they believe to be.

In the case of a message authentication, in this case a backup data
authentication or an entire volume authentication, the only way I see that
is treated by the bacula cryptography implementation is when the data sent
by the client is also encrypted (a crypto session is created for sending
the data encrypted). That means that your data is firstly encrypted and
then signed by FD. This assures data confidentiality, integrity and
authenticity through the use of pki digital signatures.

I undesrtood that Markus was talking about generating a MAC or a hash+pki
signature of the data sent by FD. And I was not able to see this in the
bacula crypto open code. Also, in this case, the restore FD that was
receiving the data from the first FD must have the public key of the FD
that originated the data (in the case of a pki signature) or the symmetric
key used in the case of a MAC.

Hope this helps a little more to clarify this thread.

Best regards,

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 7:16 PM, Kern Sibbald <k...@sibbald.com> wrote:

> Hello Ana,
> I have not followed this thread in detail, but if the user wants more
> security in verifying the FD, it is possible to enable TLSAuthentication
> without enabling TLS on transmitted data, and in that case, in addition to
> the regular MD5 authentication Bacula will do TLSAuthentication but then
> not use TLS for the rest of the data transmission.
> Best regards,
> Kern
> On 15-09-23 04:27 PM, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
> Complementing my previous post, MD5 and SHA1 do not make use of pki
> signatures from bacula crypto lib. They are hashes used for integrity
> verification and not for authenticity verification.
> Best regards,
> Ana
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Ana Emília M. Arruda <
> <emiliaarr...@gmail.com>emiliaarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Markus,
>> I´m quite sure that it is not possible to have pki signature without pki
>> encryption. You can have computation of MD5 and SHA1 signature of the file
>> if configured in your FileSet. When dealing with pki signatures, this works
>> only when you use pki encryption. I mean, the encrypted data at file daemon
>> is signed before sent to storage daemon.
>> Best regards,
>> Ana
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 5:30 AM, Markus Falb < <markus.f...@fasel.at>
>> markus.f...@fasel.at> wrote:
>>> Hello Bacula Users,
>>> I am trying pki signatures without pki encryption off.
>>> In my fd config I have
>>> FileDaemon {
>>>         Name = x-fd
>>>         ...
>>>         pki signatures = yes
>>>         pki encryption = no
>>>         pki keypair = /etc/pki/tls/private/x-fd.pem # with CN=x-fd
>>> }
>>> I have a second machine y-fd with equivalent config.
>>> I make a Backup of x-fd.
>>> I do a restore of this backup but I change the restore host to y-fd, and
>>> it works, and that surprises me because y-fd should not be able to
>>> verify the signature made with the private key from x-fd, it does not
>>> know the public key of x-fd, right?
>>> I wonder how this is supposed to work.
>>> +
>>> I don't even know if a signature was made in the first place and how to
>>> verify that.
>>> --
>>> Kind Regards, Markus Falb
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