Hi Ana,
Thank you for the reply.
Sorry, yes that is what I meant.
I'm wondering if Bacula canceled the job due to the Fatal error and the
below line included in the first "bacula error" email actually shouldn't be
there (i.e. erroneous) because no retry was made at 05:49 (3600 seconds
later). However, the second "bacula error" email seems to indicate a retry
was actually attempted although at the wrong time (2015-07-21 04:49:57).
2015-07-21 04:49:57bacula-dir JobId 118277: Rescheduled Job
<host>.2015-07-20_18.00.03_31 at 21-Jul-2015 04:49 to re-run in 3600
seconds (21-Jul-2015 05:49).
Thanks again!
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Ana Emília M. Arruda <
emiliaarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Craig,
> Do you mean reschedule interval = 1 hour and reschedule times = 3?
> Best regards,
> Ana
> Em ter, 21 de jul de 2015 às 19:29, Craig Shiroma <
> shiroma.crai...@gmail.com> escreveu:
>> Hello,
>> I had a backup that failed this morning due to what looks like a network
>> problem.
>> First error email:
>> 2015-07-21 04:49:42<host> JobId 118277: Error: lib/bsock.c:693 Write
>> error sending 65813 bytes to Storage daemon:<host>:9103:
>> ERR=Input/output error
>> 2015-07-21 04:49:42<host> JobId 118277: Fatal error: filed/backup.c:1282
>> Network send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error
>> ...
>> FD termination status: Error
>> SD termination status: Error
>> Termination: *** Backup Error ***
>> 2015-07-21 04:49:57bacula-dir JobId 118277: Rescheduled Job
>> <host>.2015-07-20_18.00.03_31 at 21-Jul-2015 04:49 to re-run in 3600
>> seconds (21-Jul-2015 05:49).
>> I have Retry set to 3 and retry interval set to 1 hour. However, the
>> retry was canceled as seen below. I'm wondering how I should interpret the
>> below messages. Did Bacula notice the job was still running when it tried
>> to reschedule the job and then cancel it right then (practically at the
>> same time the above error occurred)? Or, did it actually try to re-run the
>> job right after the error instead of one hour later (5:49) and cancel the
>> job? If so, why did it try to re-run the job right after the error instead
>> of one hour later?
>> Second error email:
>> 2015-07-21 04:49:57bacula-dir JobId 118594: Fatal error: JobId 118277
>> already running. Duplicate job not allowed.
>> 2015-07-21 04:49:57bacula-dir JobId 118594: Bacula bacula-dir 7.0.5
>> (28Jul14):
>> FD termination status:
>> SD termination status:
>> Termination: Backup Canceled
>> Best regards,
>> Craig
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