On 5/22/2015 5:28 AM, Charles Tassell wrote:
> Hello,
>     I'm using external USB drives setup with the vchanger system to
> simulate a tape library, and I've got a problem where the backups are
> running horrendously slow.  IE, the full backup of my small server
> (5.5GB) takes 8 hours and 10 minutes, and the backup of my 690GB file
> server takes 5-6 DAYS.  The problem doesn't seem to be the USB drives
> themselves as I can push 3GB/minute to them easily which means the 690GB
> backup should take under 6 hours.
>     Does anyone know what could be going on here?  Right now the Bacula
> director and storage-director are running on the file server as I
> thought that would be faster, but maybe that's a bad idea? There doesn't
> seem to be a big load issue, at least not enough of one to make the
> backups take 20-25x longer than with rsync...

First look at dmesg and make sure that the USB drives are indeed working 

If not the drives, then follow Heitor's advice and check DB performance. 
Spooling data should not be needed, however you should most definitely 
be spooling attributes. Without attribute spooling, Bacula must write to 
the DB after every file and can really slow things down. I suggest first 
to enable attribute spooling.With attribute spooling, all of the DB 
updates are cached while the data is being written to the USB drives. At 
the end of the job, all of the cached DB updates are written to the DB 
in batch transactions. You will see in the job status when it begins 
despooling attributes. If the despooling of attributes takes a long 
time, then you need to tune the DB.

The volumes are regular disk files. Bacula SD opens them and writes to 
them directly. If the writes to the USB disk file are still slow with 
attribute spooling enabled, then something else is going on, perhaps the 
client is the issue or a network problem.

I have a system using the same setup (vchanger with USB drives). Doing a 
virtual full, both read and write volumes on USB drives, I get:

   Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
   JobId:                  47392
   Job:                    josh.2015-04-30_12.56.31_09
   Backup Level:           Virtual Full
   Client:                 "josh-fd" 5.2.10 (28Jun12) Microsoft Windows Vista 
Business Edition Service Pack 2 (build 6002), 32-bit,Cross-compile,Win32
   FileSet:                "josh_fileset" 2009-05-05 19:01:00
   Pool:                   "full" (From Pool's NextPool resource)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "vchanger1" (From Pool's NextPool resource)
   Scheduled time:         30-Apr-2015 12:56:23
   Start time:             29-Apr-2015 22:01:03
   End time:               29-Apr-2015 22:04:51
   Elapsed time:           3 mins 48 secs
   Priority:               4
   SD Files Written:       238,921
   SD Bytes Written:       23,243,222,038 (23.24 GB)
   Rate:                   101944.0 KB/s
   Volume name(s):         vchanger1_7_11
   Volume Session Id:      4
   Volume Session Time:    1430412645
   Last Volume Bytes:      1,699,706,114 (1.699 GB)
   SD Errors:              0
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Backup OK

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