Hey Bill,

What's up?

> Hmmm, for debugging purposes this might be helpful at times.   But I wonder
> what would be in the FileSet variable?
> Option 1: Just it's name like:  "LinuxSystemsFileSet"

Option 1.

> Having just the name in the job's log is helpful, but a job can be run with a
> FileSet, and then someone can edit the FileSet's resource later... Then if you
> go back for debugging, you might be comparing a job's outcome (e.g.: the files
> backed up) against a fileset name whose current contents can be entirely
> different.

That's exactly the beauty of having a show fileset every backup job. This is 
the problem I'm trying to solve.
Not for me, but Bacula newbies. It's easy to forget to set the correct FileSet 
when creating a new Job. 

> If the FileSet name and full FileSet resource (as passed to the FD at job
> start time) are logged for every job, you know exactly what the FD was told to
> backup, but the job logs may become unnecessarily long, or more of a chore to
> read.

Yes, but I think it may be important. FileSet can change along the time. Even 
for auditing purposes it's nice two have that information, optionally of 
course. I think it's a crucial information for support. 
I don't think it's too much information. Typical show fileset output brings 
what, 12 lines?
> Personally, I kind of like the idea though because my backup logs are handled
> by my helpdesk software, so I only have to read a log occasionally when
> notified of something out of the ordinary. :)

It would be optional. You could make a script to show fileset=var every job, or 

> Quick workaround:  Use the bconsole "show job=JobName" as a Run Before Run
> Script command. This tells you everything about the job.

Yes, but this way the output would be huge. =)

>> 2. Different Run Scripts Per Backup level
>> Add the keyword full, diff, inc etc. to the Run Script Resource, so the
>> administrator can set different scripts per backup job Level.
> You can already (manually) implement this feature in your Run Scripts
> themselves.   Bacula has the %l variable to indicate the Level. If you use a
> shell script or other script as a Run Script command, you can just pass %l and
> then test for it in the shell scrip and act on it accordingly..

Yes, it would work nice. I just think it would be easier for people that does 
not know scripting to use it.

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