We are using Bacula 5.2.5 to backup a server with a huge amount of files.

After a full backup was done (It took 3+ days), the incremental took 10+ hours.

Notice the lines in the log:
27-Jan 23:10 server-xxx-fd JobId 1157:      /run is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from / into it.
28-Jan 09:16 server-xxx-fd JobId 1157:      /boot is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from / into it.

We are not defining the size of the volumes, so all the data from the job goes 
into just one volume.

We have 3.4M files in this incremental.

Could this be the cause of the delay?

What would be the best approach to tune this beast?


27-Jan 23:10 server-xxx-fd JobId 1157:      /dev is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from / into it.
27-Jan 23:10 server-xxx-fd JobId 1157:      /run is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from / into it.
28-Jan 09:16 server-xxx-fd JobId 1157:      /boot is a different filesystem. 
Will not descend from / into it.
28-Jan 09:16 server-xxx-sd JobId 1157: Job write elapsed time = 10:06:52, 
Transfer rate = 253.8 K Bytes/second

.Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK


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