That command does not delete all the backups! 

It is one part of the correct way of manually truncating expired volumes
in Bacula 5.x. The other part is an external script to run a console
prune command so that all possible volumes are set to expired prior to
the purge command runnning. I do not believe that there is a way to get
rid of the message. 

There are legitimate reasons to be doing this. I do it on my servers. 

Bacula 7 changes how this is done. You do not need the external script
and you do not get the message. 

On 2015-01-21 05:48, Roberts, Ben wrote: 

> I think you could easily achieve the same result by setting a suitable 
> retention period and either letting bacula automatically prune volumes when 
> it needs to, or if you really, really want to control it all manually by 
> running an explicit admin job to "prune expired volume" ahead of your cycle. 
> You shouldn't need to manage this manually, Bacula is designed to operate 
> within a fixed amount of diskspace and provided this is large enough to hold 
> the backup data for the retention periods you set it will operate completely 
> autonomously; it doesn't expect or require you to clean up after it. 
> Depending on how this RunScript is triggered, you're telling Bacula to 
> effectively delete all your backups, so I hope you're doing something like 
> preserving the data elsewhere first. 
> Bacula is not complaining that you have no volumes left to purge, it's 
> complaining because you've told it to purge volumes attached to a given 
> storage resource when that storage resource doesn't exist. Here "File" is 
> referring to the name of a Storage { Name="File" } resource in your 
> Bacula-dir.conf... 
> Ben Roberts 
> FROM: Polcari, Joe (Contractor) [] 
> SENT: 20 January 2015 16:39
> TO: Roberts, Ben;
> CC:
> SUBJECT: RE: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message 
> This is all disk storage. I'm trying to truncate all expired volumes 
> immediately after all backups have completed so as to have maximum space 
> available when the next backup cycle begins. 
> I can check disk space between backups and know there are no 5GB files that I 
> don't need. 
> I do this instead of waiting for each backup to prune the volumes when it 
> runs. 
> I can see that this is failing though because I have no volumes of zero size 
> and the line in the email that says "Storage resource "File": not found" 
> FROM: Roberts, Ben [] 
> SENT: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:30 AM
> TO: Polcari, Joe (Contractor);
> CC:
> SUBJECT: RE: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message 
> Isn't that an incredibly dangerous command to run automatically? What are you 
> actually trying to achieve that bacaula's internal volume management doesn't 
> do for you? 
> Ben Roberts 
> FROM: Polcari, Joe (Contractor) [] 
> SENT: 20 January 2015 16:20
> TO:
> CC:
> SUBJECT: Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message 
> Aha! Found the source, now how do I stop the message? 
> RunScript { 
> RunsWhen=After 
> RunsOnClient=No 
> Console = "purge volume action=all storage=File allpools" 
> } 
> I was trying to keep space usage to a minimum, I also have 
> Action On Purge = Truncate 
> in the default Pool definition. 
> FROM: [] 
> SENT: Sunday, January 18, 2015 2:48 PM
> TO: Polcari, Joe (Contractor)
> CC:
> SUBJECT: RE: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message 
> I doubt that this is a databse issue. 
> Messages from console commands in Job RunScripts are logged against jobid 0. 
> In Bacula 7 there is bug though and the messages are only sent when the 
> config is reloaded or the director is restarted rather than being sent with 
> the messages for the job that called the run script. Might that account for 
> the "random" times the messages are received? 
> On 2015-01-19 05:35, Polcari, Joe (Contractor) wrote: 
> I was thinking it was more of a corrupted database issue. I've pretty much 
> checked everything else. 
> Is there something significant about "JobID 0"? 
> FROM: Brady, Mike [] 
> SENT: Saturday, January 17, 2015 8:27 PM
> TO:
> SUBJECT: Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message 
> What about other users crontabs? The bacula user for instance. 
> Or perhaps a RunScript on one of your Bacula Jobs? 
> As Bryn said, this is not something that Bacula is doing on its own. 
> Regards 
> Mike 
> On 2015-01-18 09:29, Polcari, Joe (Contractor) wrote: 
> [root@cdcdbaculadir ~]# crontab -l 
> no crontab for root 
> [root@cdcdbaculadir ~]# 
> FROM: Bryn Hughes [] 
> SENT: Saturday, January 17, 2015 3:13 PM
> TO:
> SUBJECT: Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula daemon message 
> Are you SURE there isn't anything like a crontab somewhere that someone set 
> up? This very very very very much has to be something that is being either 
> typed in to bconsole or executed via a script somewhere. It isn't something 
> Bacula is doing on its own.
> Bryn
> On 2015-01-17 10:54 AM, Polcari, Joe (Contractor) wrote: 
> Nope, none of that. No admin jobs. All my storage is File. Backups and 
> restores work fine. 
> FROM: Roberts, Ben [] 
> SENT: Saturday, January 17, 2015 1:05 PM
> TO: Polcari, Joe (Contractor);
> SUBJECT: RE: Bacula daemon message 
> Do you have an admin job in your config that's running console commands? It 
> looks like something is executing purge commands automatically which sounds 
> really rather dangerous to the health of your backups. The good news is it 
> doesn't seem to be working because you no longer have a "File" storage any 
> more, but if you were ever to re-create it you might find backups being 
> randomly deleted.
> Ben Roberts
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Polcari, Joe (Contractor) []
>> Sent: 17 January 2015 17:22
>> To:
>> Subject: [Bacula-users] FW: Bacula daemon message
>> How do I stop these? They seem to come at random times once a day.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: root@xxx On Behalf Of Bacula
>> Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 11:04 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Bacula daemon message
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0:
>> This command can be DANGEROUS!!!
>> It purges (deletes) all Files from a Job, JobId, Client or Volume; or it
>> purges (deletes) all Jobs from a Client or Volume without regard to
>> retention periods. Normally you should use the PRUNE command, which
>> respects retention periods.
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: Storage resource "File": not found 17-Jan
>> 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: The defined Storage resources are:
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: 1: Client1Storage
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: 2: Client2Storage
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: 3: Client3Storage
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: 4: Client4Storage
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: 5: Client5Storage
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: 6: Client6Storage
>> 17-Jan 11:04 xxx-dir JobId 0: Selection aborted, nothing done.
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