On 12/04/2014 11:18 AM, Ian Lord wrote:

> I know I am going against the trend as everyone is talking about
> using HD as a backup device...

No, if tape's your requirement then tape is your requirement. I was just
asking if it really is.

> But let say a hacker would manage to get in and play around, or even
an angry employee, or...
> A simple "rm -r /" and all of our protection is gone. Our 2 distant
copies and the zfs snapshots also...

Well, if that's the case you might want to hire someone to look at your
computer security, but in general

> It's kinda hard for a hacker to format all the tapes in a library
furthermore, some tapes will be put in a safe...

indeed. It is also kinda hard for the disaster recovery team to restore
everything from the tapes locked up in a safe and between the financial
damage you take from that and from the original hit you might go out of
business anyway...

But if you have a legal requirement to archive data for X years then
tape it is.

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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