Hello Nils,

Do you mean restore from the Tandberg Tape Library into another client
machine (bacula-fd) or from another tape device into another client machine?

If you want to restore into another client you just need to define this new
client machine in the director configuration and install bacula-fd in this
new client.

I didn´t understand why you had to modify bacula database also. Could you
post here what exactly you did in the database, the new configurations and
the logs?

Best regards,

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Nils Jungebluth <nils.jungebl...@tellja.de>

> Hello,
> I hope someone can help me with a little problem.
> The problem presents itself like this: I have set up a complete
> backupsystem with a Tandberg Tape Library (10 Slots)
> in our datacenter. That works fine. Now i have to come up with a solution
> to restore the tapes on another machine here in our office.
> I set up a bacula installation (bacula 7.0.5) with a single tapedrive
> using the configfiles from the original datacentersetup.
> I altered the database and the configfiles to accomodate for the different
> tapedrive.
> The restorejobs seem to work but I get this message: Termination: Restore
> OK -- warning file count mismatch
> And no files are being restored. The files are definitely on the tape as
> shown by bls.
> I also checked and restored the whole tape with bextract but that just
> takes to long.
> Any ideas? If you need more details (logs etc.) I should be able to
> provide those.
> Help would be appreciated thanks in advance.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> kind regards/Mit freundlichen Gruessen
> Nils Jungebluth
> System-/Netzwerkadministrator
> Tellja GmbH
> Solmsstr. 12
> D-60486 Frankfurt am Main
> Fon: +49 (0)69 8700 429 - 21
> Email nils.jungebl...@tellja.de
> Web   www.tellja.de
> Geschäftsführer: Jens Rode, Michael Stöhr
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main
> Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 76290
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