I try to use bacula to backup files with windows-machines. In my case, 
bacula-director is working on debian linux, and bacula-fd on windows. 
In the setting of director, a FileSet, in Include {} section, there is a 
record File = "\\<c:/backuplist.dat"; I assumed this directive to 
receive a list of files directly on the client machine to get the 
contents of the file c:\backupslist.dat. For example, the file has an 
entry like "C:/temp" (case sensitive). But when I check FileSet by 
"estimate" command, I see that the contents of C:\backupslist.dat not 

Mr. Alexei: did you tried to use: File= "c:/backuplist.dat" instead of File = 
I really wonder what would be the purpose of the \\< behind the file name. 

Heitor Medrado de Faria 
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Site: www.bacula.com.br | Facebook: heitor.faria | Gtalk: heitorfa...@gmail.com 

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