Hi Florian,

You would want a minimum of one Storage Device per distinct Media Type for a 
reserved restore device and there's no requirement to have a reserved restore 
device per client/job/etc so a single restore device would be OK. You can have 
additional reserved restore devices but unless you expect to be called upon to 
do more than one concurrent restore there's no benefit in doing so. Creating 
dozens of unnecessary devices would likely only cause confusion as to which 
ones are intended for which purpose (when manually running a job you can either 
specify drive=name, or you'll be prompted to pick a drive by numeric index and 
there's no obvious mapping of name to index without looking at the config 

As an example, my file-based autochanger has six devices; one dedicated restore 
device, and 5 others since I wish to be able to run 5 jobs concurrently and set 
"Maximum Concurrent Jobs=1" on each of my devices to prevent interleaving. We 
do dozens of backups a day, and rarely need to do restores but when we do 
they'll be reasonably urgent, so this pattern is suitable for my workload. I 
may not want to interrupt a 3-day backup job to run a restore, but multiple 
restores can usually be done sequentially.

You should let your own business requirements dictate how you set your system 
up. These questions may help you choose the right setup:
- How many backups do you expect to run a day?
- How many do you want to run concurrently?
- How long do your average backup jobs take? (minutes, hours, days?)
- Do you want to avoid interleaving of multiple jobs onto the same volume? 
- How often do you think you'll need to do restores?
- Are you likely to need to do multiple restores concurrently?
- Would interrupting a backup job in order to do an urgent restore be 

Ben Roberts

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Florian [mailto:florian.spl...@web.de]
> Sent: 18 September 2014 07:00
> To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] How to handle many storage devices?
> Am 17.09.2014 um 21:02 schrieb J. Echter:
> > Am 17.09.2014 14:24, schrieb Florian:
> >> Hello, everyone.
> >>
> >> Now that I am finally done with testing bacula, I am setting it up
> >> for 5 clients.
> >> For each client I have a folder in which I want to store its Volumes.
> >>
> >> During the tests, I used an Autochanger in the storage daemon.
> >> Considering the different storage locations, do I need two devices
> >> for each client? (backup and restore) Also, is there is a reason to
> >> use more than one Autochanger?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Florian S.
> > Hi,
> >
> > i personally would backup to one volume (depends on the size of all
> > clients)
> >
> > Also no autochanger is needed. If you specify the volumes / sd's you
> > would be fine. imho.
> >
> > cheers.
> Hello.
> I have a few reasons to go with seperate Volumes for each client, but
> that's not too important. I use an autochanger for the possibility of
> switching volumes automatically and processing multiple jobs at once.
> Well, I doubt I need more than one Autochanger, but what I am still unsure
> about is the devices for restore jobs. I was told that with a second
> device I can make sure that restore is possible at any time, but does it
> also mean I need one such device for each archive path?
> Regards,
> Florian
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