
On 8 September 2014 15:27, José Vicente Mondejar <jvmonde...@myferrylink.com
> wrote:

> Thank you for this suggestion. We're going to try your backport
> repository, although I have some questions concerning our case:
> I forgot to mention that we use webacula frontend to give a web access to
> some users, and it adds some tables to the database. Will the upgrade from
> your repositories delete those additional tables?

The upgraded packages just contain the upgraded binaries compiled and to be
installed according to the system's packaging guidelines; the rest comes
directly from upstream. That is, the Bacula database update is managed by
the original Bacula database scripts. Don't know exactly what webacula
does, but I'm pretty confident that its changes are not deleted or
overwritten by the Bacula database upgrade scripts.

> Concerning the upgrade process from 5.0.0 to 7.0.5, should I add both
> repositories and enable only the bacula one to make the 5.0 to 5.2 upgrade,
> then enable the bacula7 to make the 5.2 to 7.0 upgrade? Or can I just add
> the bacula7 repository and do the upgrade without the progressive step from
> 5.0.x to 5.2.x ?

You can do as you prefer; the database upgrade scripts that upgrade your
database from previous releases are cumulative (in Bacula 7.0 you still
have the scripts to upgrade Bacula 5.0 databases to 5.2). So if your plan
is to go to 7.0 I would suggest to go to 7.0.5 packages directly. Install
the bacula7 repository only.

> Regarding the currently installed 5.2, should I uninstall it before
> installing from the bacula7 repository to avoid any possible library or
> binary conflict? I agree about doing a fresh install in 7.0.5 with the
> repository and merge my current config. Would a restore of the previously
> saved catalog be also necessary?

For the source installations, I think you should delete anything except the
database and the configuration files before installing them. If some folder
has different permissions in the package than on the installed system maybe
you would end up missing some filesystem attributes. I think (99% sure)
that there's no need to dump/restore the catalog database. Just configure
the system as you wish and point it to the existing database.

If you think there's anything that should be added/changed in the packages
please let me know.


> Jose
> 2014-09-03 14:52 GMT+02:00 Simone Caronni <negativ...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> On 3 September 2014 13:58, José Vicente Mondejar <
>> jvmonde...@myferrylink.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm considering upgrading our bacula servers and clients from 5.x to
>>> 7.0.5.
>>> Our servers configurations are:
>>> CentOS 5.5 / bacula 5.2.12 (installed from sources) / mysql 5.0.95
>>> CentOS 5.5 / bacula 5.2.13 (installed from sources) / mysql 5.0.77
>>> CentOS 6.3 / bacula 5.0.0 (installed from repo) / mysql 5.5.27
>>> ./configure (your options)
>>> make
>>> make install
>>> In general none of your existing .conf or .sql files will be
>>> overwritten..."
>> May I suggest using my backport repository?
>> http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/slaanesh/bacula/README.txt
>> http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/slaanesh/bacula7/README.txt
>> Those are the very same packages that I maintain for Fedora 19/20 and
>> RHEL 7 (5.2.13) and Fedora 21+ (7.0.5). You can upgrade 5.0.0 packages
>> directly (it will keep the catalog database selection automatically) and
>> you can even do the progressive step from 5.0.x to 5.2.x.
>> The source built installations need simply some adjustments to paths in
>> configuration files. My suggestion is to make a tar/backup of your current
>> Bacula binaries installation, install the packages and then merge your
>> configuration files in. Again there should be very little adjustment to be
>> made.
>> Among the benefits of using packages, for example; there's common and
>> equal installation across your operating system and files are already
>> labeled amd in proper place for SELinux contexts.
>> Regards,
>> --Simone
>> --
>> You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight
>> of the shore (R. W. Emerson).
>> The Stone Age came to an end not for a lack of stones; and the oil age
>> will end, but not for a lack of oil. (Ahmed Zaki Yamani, former Saudi
>> Minister of Oil)
>> http://xkcd.com/229/
>> http://negativo17.org/
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You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore (R. W. Emerson).

The Stone Age came to an end not for a lack of stones; and the oil age will
end, but not for a lack of oil. (Ahmed Zaki Yamani, former Saudi Minister
of Oil)

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