That, is a good idea. Thanks!

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 10:17 PM, J. Echter <> wrote:

>  Am 07.08.2014 09:22, schrieb Gi Dot:
>   Hi,
>  Due to holiday and having no one around to switch tapes for me, I have
> more than 10 jobs created and pending for backup. Normally when situation
> like this occur (though with lesser number of jobs), I will just put in the
> tapes one by one and let the jobs run in sequence one after another.
>  This time I found that 2 jobs (Saturday and Sunday) were marked as 'fatal
> error'. Monday job should be next in sequence, but job Friday is listed
> instead of Monday. I canceled the Friday job, but then a newer job that is
> way down in the job list got to run first. How does this happen?
>  Check out the jobid - 138, 139, 149, 151. jobid 140 got skipped.
> |   137 | W2W4         | 2014-07-25 13:00:03 | B    | F     |   38,805 |
> 6,073,467,421 | T         |
> |   138 | SatSunW2     | 2014-07-26 13:00:03 | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | f         |
> |   139 | SatSunW2     | 2014-07-31 20:00:20 | B    | F     |        0
> |             0 | f         |
> |   149 | FriW1        | 2014-08-06 03:00:33 | B    | F     |        0
> |             0 | A         |
> |   151 | SatSunW2     | 2014-08-07 10:54:28 | B    | F     |        0
> |             0 | R         |
> |   140 | MonTueW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   141 | MonTueW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   142 | WedThuW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   143 | WedThuW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   144 | FriW1         |                     | B    | F     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   145 | SatSunW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   146 | SatSunW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   147 | MonTueW2     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   148 | MonTueW2     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   150 | WedThuW2     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   152 | MonTueW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> |   153 | MonTueW1     |                     | B    | I     |        0
> |             0 | C         |
> +-------+--------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+---------------+-----------+
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Hi,
> we use a run before script which checks if its a holiday or not on our
> tape jobs.
> If it is holiday it cancels the job. Only harddrive jobs run at this time.
> Sorry if i couldn't clarify your question.
> Cheers.
> Juergen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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