Hi all,

we startet using Bacula with a Neo400 ( incl. 2 LTO6 Drives ) for 
backup. Although we have quit big amounts of data to backup the job 
should be pretty simple since mostly it just needs to copy the files to 
tapes for an off-site backup. Since we are using a zfs as file system 
bacula has a relaxed time window of one week for the backup.

But we have one important point that is One Job per Volume ( so we can 
take the tapes easily off site and back ). After some interesting 
experiences with "purge jobs" our full backup as base for the 
incremental was finally done:

   Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
   JobId:                  65
   Job:                    IncrementalToRevolver02a.2014-07-18_14.10.42_13
   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
   Client:                 "shelfspace-fd" 7.0.3 (12May14) 
   FileSet:                "NoahSet_A" 2014-07-11 16:47:40
   Pool:                   "Revolver02-Full" (From Job FullPool override)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "Neo400" (From Pool resource)
   Scheduled time:         18-Jul-2014 14:10:42
   Start time:             18-Jul-2014 14:10:42
   End time:               24-Jul-2014 07:21:14
   Elapsed time:           5 days 17 hours 10 mins 32 secs
   Priority:               10
   FD Files Written:       11,719,314
   SD Files Written:       11,719,314
   FD Bytes Written:       24,262,705,996,248 (24.26 TB)
   SD Bytes Written:       24,265,651,316,062 (24.26 TB)
   Rate:                   49131.5 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   VSS:                    no
   Encryption:             no
   Accurate:               no
   Volume name(s):         
   Volume Session Id:      14
   Volume Session Time:    1405092165
   Last Volume Bytes:      2,628,260,877,312 (2.628 TB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    2
   SD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Backup OK -- with warnings

And for the Second Drive:

20-Jul 05:41 shelfspace-dir JobId 66: Bacula shelfspace-dir 7.0.3 (12May14):
   Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
   JobId:                  66
   Job:                    IncrementalToRevolver02b.2014-07-18_14.10.42_14
   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
   Client:                 "shelfspace-fd" 7.0.3 (12May14) 
   FileSet:                "NoahSet_B" 2014-07-11 16:47:40
   Pool:                   "Revolver02-Full" (From Job FullPool override)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "Neo400" (From Pool resource)
   Scheduled time:         18-Jul-2014 14:10:42
   Start time:             18-Jul-2014 14:10:46
   End time:               20-Jul-2014 05:41:43
   Elapsed time:           1 day 15 hours 30 mins 57 secs
   Priority:               10
   FD Files Written:       1,719,165
   SD Files Written:       1,719,165
   FD Bytes Written:       6,878,789,531,036 (6.878 TB)
   SD Bytes Written:       6,879,192,891,412 (6.879 TB)
   Rate:                   48354.7 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   VSS:                    no
   Encryption:             no
   Accurate:               no
   Volume name(s):         RB0101L6|RB0110L6|RB0107L6|RB0219L6|RB0112L6
   Volume Session Id:      15
   Volume Session Time:    1405092165
   Last Volume Bytes:      1,699,995,386,880 (1.699 TB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
   SD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Backup OK

There are on average ~ 2.8TB on every tape. Also when I query the jobs 
for a tape I get two jobid 66 and 65 as result.
But when I get the details for the Volume via e.g. llist volume=RB0101L6 
it says there is only one job on the volume and ther should be only one 
job on the volume ... as far as I understand:

*llist volume=RB0101L6

Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog

Using Catalog "MyCatalog"

           MediaId: 20

        VolumeName: RB0101L6

              Slot: 21

            PoolId: 9

         MediaType: LTO-6

      FirstWritten: 2014-07-18 14:13:27

       LastWritten: 2014-07-18 21:30:03

         LabelDate: 2014-07-18 14:10:46

           VolJobs: 1

          VolFiles: 160

         VolBlocks: 49,609,582

         VolMounts: 2

          VolBytes: 3,200,413,418,496

         VolErrors: 0

         VolWrites: 50,849,663

  VolCapacityBytes: 0

         VolStatus: Used

           Enabled: 1

           Recycle: 1

      VolRetention: 3,024,000

    VolUseDuration: 0

        MaxVolJobs: 1

       MaxVolFiles: 0

       MaxVolBytes: 0

         InChanger: 1

           EndFile: 160

          EndBlock: 6,541

          VolParts: 0

         LabelType: 0

         StorageId: 2

          DeviceId: 0

        LocationId: 0

      RecycleCount: 1

      InitialWrite: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

     ScratchPoolId: 0

     RecyclePoolId: 2

     ActionOnPurge: 0

           Comment: NULL

Every Pool has the Maximum Volume Jobs = 1 set. I'll admit we are doing 
lot of experimenting and purging but this option has always been set.
In total the amount of data wirtten to the Tapes / Job Size is matching 
... more or less. But there are just to many Volumes per Job...

I am a little clueless here ... I would appreciate any hints.

With kind regards

Timo Ballin

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