The FreeBSD port is about to change.  I started work on a 7.x port back 
in March 
but my time was taken over by BSDCan and PGCon.

Andrey K has submitted a patch 
( and we plan 
to move quickly with this.

The existing ports will be copied within the FreeBSD ports tree before 
the above patch is committed.  Thus, sysutils/bacula-server will be 
copied to sysutils/bacula5-server.  Also created will be bacula7-client, 
bacula5-docs, bacula5-bat, etc.

FYI: Installing Bacula 5 and Bacula 7 on the same system will result in 
a conflict and the ports will be structure to not allow you to do that.

For those that need to keep using Bacula 5, you can.  Those on Bacula 7, 
the upgrade should be coming soon.

Dan Langille -

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
Quickly connect people, data, and systems into organized workflows
Winner of BOSSIE, CODIE, OW2 and Gartner awards
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