I run around 150 bkp jobs at night and at daytime I copy those jobs to
another media pool.
Since upgraded to 7.x every time a Copy job finished send 2 (two) e-mails
instead of 1 (one) like in 5.2.13.
In 5.2.13 only one email saying "Copy Job: OK Job_name" but now in 7.x
another e-mail arrived per Copy Job saying "Backup Job: OK Job_name" with
only a few lines in it, like:
23-May 12:35 romulo-dir JobId 67156: Using Device "LBR02-DRV1" to write.
23-May 12:38 toro-sd JobId 67156: Elapsed time=00:01:10, Transfer
rate=12.57 M Bytes/second
Any idea?
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