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On 06/08/14 06:09, Steven Haigh wrote:
> I do believe this is one of the biggest shortcomings of Bacula...
> The fact it is job based vs file based removes a lot of
> flexibility.
> If I understand things properly, for a VirtualFull will: 1) Require
> all volumes as stated below, and; 2) Require enough space to write
> the entire backup out again; and 3) is unable to keep a copy of a
> file forever if it is never changed.
> Instead, after the purge date, the file is deleted and
> retransferred - unless it is done by a VirtualFull - which still
> has the problems of #1 and #2 above.

I'm not sure I understand your objections here.  Given arbitrarily
large disk space, you can set your job and file retention to fifty
years if you so choose.  Bacula will keep your initial full backup as
long as you tell it to.  But you can't get by on just an initial full
backup and ten years worth of daily incrementals.  Doing a restore
would require searching thousands of jobs to build the file tree.

Name me one backup solution which does NOT have to re-transfer a file
if you delete the original backup.

VirtualFull jobs allow you to keep replacing that original Full backup
without having to re-transfer all of the files from the client again.
 Of *xcourse*you have to re-copy them from the old job; but then the
old job can be purged.  Yes, you need the space for both to create the
VirtualFull; but you don't have to keep both around after it's completed.

If you want to never have to do any job maintenance, never re-copy a
file that hasn't changed, never use any extra disk space, etc, etc,
perhaps you should be just using rsync?  Of course, de-duplicating and
creating hard links would become your problem, and then you have to be
careful not to update all copies of a hard-linked file when one
original updates...

- -- 
  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485
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