Thanks Ben & John for the quick answers!

The volume in question was a 1.5/3 TB  LTO 5 tape and though they don’t cost 
the world anymore, I’d have hated to
let it go to waste. Anyway, querying the database showed that there was just 
the one single job that failed assigned to it,
so deleting that job and marking it purged should hopefully have done the 
trick. It’s now residing in the scratch pool waiting
to be used, so I’ll know as soon as one of the other pools are full…

Thanks again!


Am 21.05.2014 um 14:46 schrieb John Drescher <>:

>> I've observed similar issues in the past. A job fails part way through and 
>> the catalog is not updated leaving a mismatch in the number of files in the 
>> volume versus what's recorded in the catalog. This is then detected the next 
>> time the volume is used, and Bacula marks the volume as Error without 
>> writing anything to it.
>> Given the mismatch, the safest thing to do is mark the volume as Full, and 
>> wait for the retention period to expire so the volume can be recycled. 
>> Unfortunately this wastes space (more painful when you have 100GB volumes 
>> and it failed within the first few gig...), so you'll need to either have 
>> sufficient spare space on your SD that you can cope with this, or be willing 
>> to sacrifice the other jobs on the volume and delete jobs+purge or purge it 
>> immediately to regain the space.
>> I'm not sure how Bacula would behave if you change it straight to append; 
>> whether it would leave a hole in the volume, or whether this mismatch would 
>> corrupt subsequent jobs.
> The times I have done this there was no problem. For file based
> volumes I keep them small 5 to 10 GB and in this case it does not
> really waste space to mark the volume Full and or recycling the job
> with the error.
> John

Dr. Korbinian Grote
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