On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Thorsten Kampe
<thors...@thorstenkampe.de> wrote:
> * John Drescher (Fri, 16 May 2014 08:37:31 -0400)
>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Thorsten Kampe
>> <thors...@thorstenkampe.de> wrote:
>> > at the moment we have a single disk volume (file). We would like
>> > to reuse this disk volume file so it will not grow infinitely.
>> > [...]
>> > After two cycles (two months), we would like to delete old files
>> > from the volume file. Thus we set
>> >
>> > FileRetention   = 60 days
>> > JobRetention    = 60 days
>> > VolumeRetention = 60 days
>> > Recycle         = yes
>> >
>> > There is no maximum file or volume size or volume use duration
>> > configured.
>> >
>> > My question is: will the above settings ensure that after about sixty
>> > days, the file volume size will reach its maximum (assuming that the
>> > size of the backed-up data remains constant)?
>> No it will not. The retention period begins after a volume is marked
>> full or used. At 60 days it will still be append. You need to limit
>> the # of jobs, use duration and/or size.
> So in my case I would have to set UseDuration accordingly.
>> Then after the volume is marked Full or Used the 60 days begins
>> counting from the last written date.
> I want to purge files directly when the (catalog) retention period
> (sixty days) occurs. Does that mean I have to set UseDuration to 0 (0
> + 60 days = 60 days)?
Maybe use duration of 59 days. Then volume retention in a few hours.
If you set use duration to a small number # > 0 you will only be able
to store data on the volume for that period. I believe a use duration
of 0 means infinity (although I could be wrong).


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