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It sounds to me like you are trying to force an Autochanger, which is a Bacula device that typically works with physical tape autochangers to work with USB keys.  While this is possible (example disk-changer, virtual-changer), you need to either use an existing script or you need to understand the details of the Autochanger implementation.

There are two other possibilities:
1. The Bacula built-in virtual autochanger that has been discussed on this list a number of times, and rejected by a number of people, but it does work in large production environments.

2. Bacula is sufficiently smart to know if a mounted device does not have the volume it wants (e.g. a USB key), and it will happily search the mounted volume for existing Volumes or create a new one if you configure it correctly.

Other people on this list should be able to help you with those possibilities.

Best regards,

On 05/10/2014 12:51 AM, Dan Langille wrote:
> On May 8, 2014, at 7:04 AM, Keith T <keithb...@yahoo.com <mailto:keithb...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I upgraded Bacula from 5.0.3-2 to 5.2.13. It has no problem to run a backup job and back data directly on to USB device except "Autochanger" setting. I was trying to configure "Autochanger" to swap USB drives automatically for data backup in order that I need not to manual exchange and mount HDD when one HDD is full.
>> I got below errors when trying below commands.
>> #Bacula is running as root
>> [root@backupsys bacula]# /etc/bacula/mtx-changer /etc/bacula/usbchanger1.conf list
>> /etc/bacula/usbchanger1.conf is not an sg device, or old sg driver
>> [root@backupsys bacula]# su bacula /etc/bacula/mtx-changer /etc/bacula/usbchanger1.conf list
>> cannot open SCSI device '/etc/bacula/usbchanger1.conf' - Permission denied
>> Also tried to run bacula as ID bacula but failed too
> Testing this stuff is hard.  So i wrote about it.  Rather than start a long back and forth discussion, I suggest you follow what I did and raise a question when something I did doesn?t work for you.
> http://www.freebsddiary.org/tape-library.php
> http://www.freebsddiary.org/tape-library-integration.php
> Hope that gets you going.
> It is all permissions.  It?s almost always about permission.  Scripts.  Devices.  Daemons.  Etc.
> --
> Dan Langille - http://langille.org
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