On 2014-05-05 00:41, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On 04/25/2014 10:07 PM, Brady, Mike wrote:
>> On 2014-04-25 11:13, Brady, Mike wrote:
>>> On 2014-04-25 09:17, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>>>> On 04/24/2014 10:37 PM, Brady, Mike wrote:
>>>>> On 2014-04-25 07:59, Brady, Mike wrote:
>>>>>> I am doing some testing with Bacula 7 and amongst other things am
>>>>>> looking at the prune expired and truncate console commands.
>>>>>> I have added the following runscript to the BackupCatalog job
>>>>>>    RunScript {
>>>>>>        RunsWhen=Before
>>>>>>        RunsOnClient=No
>>>>>>        Console = "prune expired volume yes"
>>>>>>        Console = "truncate allpools storage=FileStorage01"
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>> This appears to be working in that the appropriate volumes are 
>>>>>> being
>>>>>> truncated when they should be, but all I see in the log is
>>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: console command: run
>>>>>> BeforeJob
>>>>>> "prune expired volume yes"
>>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: console command: run
>>>>>> BeforeJob
>>>>>> "truncate allpools storage=FileStorage01"
>>>>>> When I run these commands in bconsole there is always output.  
>>>>>> Even
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> it is just to say that there are no volumes to truncate, so I had
>>>>>> expected to see this output in the log under JobId 0. Is console
>>>>>> command
>>>>>> output no logger logged from runscripts or am I missing something?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>> I just got the 3 days worth of JobId 0 log entries in the log in 
>>>>> one
>>>>> go,
>>>>> including all the output I had expected from the prune expired and
>>>>> truncate commands.
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: No Volumes found to perform
>>>>> truncate
>>>>> action.
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 23-Apr 06:58 bacula03-dir JobId 0: No Volumes found to perform
>>>>> truncate
>>>>> action.
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The current Volume 
>>>>> "IncPool-0109"
>>>>> retention period is: 14 days
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: There are no more Jobs 
>>>>> associated
>>>>> with Volume "IncPool-0109". Marking it purged.
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Connecting to Storage daemon
>>>>> FileStorage01 at ...
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=212 
>>>>> DVD=0
>>>>> Volume="IncPool-0109" Device="FileDevice01"
>>>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "IncPool-0109" has 
>>>>> been
>>>>> truncated
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 24-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: No Volumes found to perform
>>>>> truncate
>>>>> action.
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The current Volume
>>>>> "CatalogBackup0344" retention period is: 14 days
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: There are no more Jobs 
>>>>> associated
>>>>> with Volume "CatalogBackup0344". Marking it purged.
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The current Volume
>>>>> "CatalogBackup0242" retention period is: 14 days
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: There are no more Jobs 
>>>>> associated
>>>>> with Volume "CatalogBackup0242". Marking it purged.
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The current Volume
>>>>> "CatalogBackup0241" retention period is: 14 days
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: There are no more Jobs 
>>>>> associated
>>>>> with Volume "CatalogBackup0241". Marking it purged.
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The current Volume 
>>>>> "IncPool-0128"
>>>>> retention period is: 14 days
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: There are no more Jobs 
>>>>> associated
>>>>> with Volume "IncPool-0128". Marking it purged.
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Connecting to Storage daemon
>>>>> FileStorage01 at ...
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=217 
>>>>> DVD=0
>>>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0344" Device="FileDevice01"
>>>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0344" 
>>>>> has
>>>>> been truncated
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=217 
>>>>> DVD=0
>>>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0241" Device="FileDevice01"
>>>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0241" 
>>>>> has
>>>>> been truncated
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=217 
>>>>> DVD=0
>>>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0242" Device="FileDevice01"
>>>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0242" 
>>>>> has
>>>>> been truncated
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=212 
>>>>> DVD=0
>>>>> Volume="IncPool-0128" Device="FileDevice01"
>>>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "IncPool-0128" has 
>>>>> been
>>>>> truncated
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>>>> MyCatalog
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: No Volumes found to perform
>>>>> truncate
>>>>> action.
>>>>> I do not know what triggered it.  I was doing stuff in bconsole. I 
>>>>> am
>>>>> guessing that JobId 0 messages were being spooled until the job
>>>>> "finished" and something I did "finished" it?
>>>> It is quite likely that many of these messages are queued now Qmsg()
>>>> this means that they come out at the end of the job.  The reason for
>>>> queuing certain types of messages is to avoid race conditions that 
>>>> can
>>>> happen particularly when you do things like console commands inside
>>>> running jobs.  Normally queuing does not matter much except that the
>>>> messages are not in chronological order (annoying) but if you are
>>>> trying
>>>> to see them in real-time while the job is running, it won't work.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Kern
>>>>> I do not think that this
>>>>> was the behaviour in Bacula 5.x.
>>>>> Is this a bug or is there something that I am missing in my
>>>>> configuration.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Mike
>>> I was not trying to view the messages in real time while the job was
>>> running.  The BackupCatalog job is scheduled to run at 0010 every 
>>> day.
>>> All the messages for that BackupCatalog JobId are logged/emailed as
>>> expected when the job completes.  I was looking at the logs after the
>>> fact.
>>> The full output from last nights BackupCatalog job is below.
>>> ============ BEGIN LOG ======================
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: shell command: run BeforeJob
>>> "/usr/libexec/bacula/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: console command: run BeforeJob
>>> "prune expired volume yes"
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: console command: run BeforeJob
>>> "truncate allpools storage=FileStorage01"
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: console command: run BeforeJob
>>> "truncate allpools storage=FileStorage02"
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: Start Backup JobId 12490,
>>> Job=BackupCatalog.2014-04-25_00.10.00_28
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: Using Device "FileDevice01" to
>>> write.
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 12490: Volume "CatalogBackup0243"
>>> previously written, moving to end of data.
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 12490: Ready to append to end of 
>>> Volume
>>> "CatalogBackup0243" size=422,687,066
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 12490: Elapsed time=00:00:06, Transfer
>>> rate=4.214 M Bytes/second
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: Bacula bacula03-dir 7.0.2
>>> (02Apr14):
>>>    Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise
>>> release
>>>    JobId:                  12490
>>>    Job:                    BackupCatalog.2014-04-25_00.10.00_28
>>>    Backup Level:           Full
>>>    Client:                 "bacula03-fd" 7.0.2 (02Apr14)
>>> x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
>>>    FileSet:                "Catalog" 2012-07-31 23:10:00
>>>    Pool:                   "CatalogBackupPool" (From Job resource)
>>>    Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>>>    Storage:                "FileStorage01" (From Job resource)
>>>    Scheduled time:         25-Apr-2014 00:10:00
>>>    Start time:             25-Apr-2014 00:10:05
>>>    End time:               25-Apr-2014 00:10:11
>>>    Elapsed time:           6 secs
>>>    Priority:               11
>>>    FD Files Written:       1
>>>    SD Files Written:       1
>>>    FD Bytes Written:       25,286,874 (25.28 MB)
>>>    SD Bytes Written:       25,286,991 (25.28 MB)
>>>    Rate:                   4214.5 KB/s
>>>    Software Compression:   67.9% 3.1:1
>>>    VSS:                    no
>>>    Encryption:             no
>>>    Accurate:               no
>>>    Volume name(s):         CatalogBackup0243
>>>    Volume Session Id:      317
>>>    Volume Session Time:    1397354160
>>>    Last Volume Bytes:      448,003,057 (448.0 MB)
>>>    Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>>>    SD Errors:              0
>>>    FD termination status:  OK
>>>    SD termination status:  OK
>>>    Termination:            Backup OK
>>> 25-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12490: shell command: run AfterJob
>>> "/usr/libexec/bacula/delete_catalog_backup"
>>> ========== END LOG ======================
>>> There is no output for the runscript console commands associated with
>>> this job or the previous nights jobs.
>>> The JobId 0 log output in my previous email was all written to the 
>>> log
>>> at 0745 25 April 2014 in one go. That is output for the 3 previous
>>> nights jobs all together.  It was a direct cut and paste from the 
>>> log.
>>> I did not remove any lines. At 0745 I was in bconsole doing stuff.  I
>>> wasn't watching the log at the time so I am not sure exactly what it
>>> was
>>> that I did to trigger the output.  I am guessing that console command
>>> messages are not coming through because they are going against JobId 
>>> 0
>>> (not the BackupCatalog jobid) and that JobId 0 is not completing so 
>>> the
>>> messages are never sent?
>>> In 5.2 the runscript console commands were logged at the "same" time 
>>> of
>>> the job.  Looking at some logs from a couple of weeks ago they look
>>> like
>>> they were always logged before the messages from the job that had the
>>> runscript in them, which is not a problem. The important thing is 
>>> that
>>> they are in the log. An example is below.
>>> =========== BEGIN LOG ======================
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0:
>>> This command can be DANGEROUS!!!
>>> It purges (deletes) all Files from a Job,
>>> JobId, Client or Volume; or it purges (deletes)
>>> all Jobs from a Client or Volume without regard
>>> to retention periods. Normally you should use the
>>> PRUNE command, which respects retention periods.
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Automatically selected Catalog:
>>> MyCatalog
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: Connecting to Storage daemon
>>> FileStorage01 at ...
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0165" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0165" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0098" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0098" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0062" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0062" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0289" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0289" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0103" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0103" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0097" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0097" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0042" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0042" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0138" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0138" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0052" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0052" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0290" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0290" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0269" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0269" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0113" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0113" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0175" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0175" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0185" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0185" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: 3000 OK label. VolBytes=219 DVD=0
>>> Volume="CatalogBackup0270" Device="FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 0: The volume "CatalogBackup0270" has
>>> been truncated
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: shell command: run BeforeJob
>>> "/usr/libexec/bacula/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: Start Backup JobId 12100,
>>> Job=BackupCatalog.2014-04-11_00.10.00_38
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: Recycled volume
>>> "CatalogBackup0243"
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: Using Device "FileDevice01" to
>>> write.
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 12100: Recycled volume
>>> "CatalogBackup0243" on device "FileDevice01"
>>> (/bacula_storage/FileDevice), all previous data lost.
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 12100: Elapsed time=00:00:05, Transfer
>>> rate=4.875 M Bytes/second
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: Bacula bacula03-dir 5.2.13
>>> (19Jan13):
>>>    Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise
>>> release
>>>    JobId:                  12100
>>>    Job:                    BackupCatalog.2014-04-11_00.10.00_38
>>>    Backup Level:           Full
>>>    Client:                 "bacula03-fd" 5.2.13 (19Jan13)
>>> x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
>>>    FileSet:                "Catalog" 2012-07-31 23:10:00
>>>    Pool:                   "CatalogBackupPool" (From Job resource)
>>>    Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>>>    Storage:                "FileStorage01" (From Job resource)
>>>    Scheduled time:         11-Apr-2014 00:10:00
>>>    Start time:             11-Apr-2014 00:10:05
>>>    End time:               11-Apr-2014 00:10:10
>>>    Elapsed time:           5 secs
>>>    Priority:               11
>>>    FD Files Written:       1
>>>    SD Files Written:       1
>>>    FD Bytes Written:       24,377,895 (24.37 MB)
>>>    SD Bytes Written:       24,378,012 (24.37 MB)
>>>    Rate:                   4875.6 KB/s
>>>    Software Compression:   67.8 %
>>>    VSS:                    no
>>>    Encryption:             no
>>>    Accurate:               no
>>>    Volume name(s):         CatalogBackup0243
>>>    Volume Session Id:      112
>>>    Volume Session Time:    1396657274
>>>    Last Volume Bytes:      24,406,180 (24.40 MB)
>>>    Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>>>    SD Errors:              0
>>>    FD termination status:  OK
>>>    SD termination status:  OK
>>>    Termination:            Backup OK
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: shell command: run AfterJob
>>> "/usr/libexec/bacula/delete_catalog_backup"
>>> 11-Apr 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 12100: console command: run AfterJob
>>> "purge volume action=all allpools storage=FileStorage01"
>>> ============= END LOG ====================
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Mike
>> Running the reload command in bconsole is what causes the JobId 0
>> messages to be written to the log.
>> I can easily recreate this by running my BackupCatalog job (which has
>> the console commands in it), waiting for it finish and write its log
>> entries and then running the reload.
>> Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
> I believe that I have fixed this.  Try the Bacula version that is in 
> the
> public repository. I hope to release it next week (possibly the week
> after) as 7.0.3.  If it still fails, and I can find out why, there is a
> good chance I can fix it.
> Kern

Thanks Kern.  I will have a look at this when 7.0.3 is released and will 
let you know.

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