
Make sure that bat and the Dir are on *exactly* the same version, otherwise you are in trouble. Bacula 2 is *very* old and I am not even sure that bat works with that version.

I recommend to upgrade to Bacula 5.2.13 or probably better to the latest release Bacula 7.0.0, and make 100% sure you build Bat with the right Qt version available in the released depkgs-qt package.

Best regards,

On 03/31/2014 09:43 AM, Hendrik Hörmann wrote:


I have got a server running Bacula 2, but when starting BAT and clicking on Job-List it freezes. When looking at the CPU-consumption using top one can see BAT uses 100% of the CPU.


I really dont know what to do, any help is highly appreciated.


Thank you so much!


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