
A clarification:

I received concerned feedback that the license change would make Bacula
some sort of different or special license.  This is not at all the case,
and I am working closely with the FSFE to make sure that there are no
such implications.  My suggested modifications are not a "custom"
license in any sense.  The Bacula license will remain AGPLv3 as it is
today.  Adding attribution requirements is quite normal and permitted in
most open source license; it is even a standard non-optional part of
many open source licenses.  For AGPLv3, such modifications, which are
technically called "restrictions" are explicitly permitted in the AGPLv3
license as defined in section 7(b).  So there is no chance that Bacula
will be treated as having a non-open or otherwise unacceptable license. 
My objective is to clarify (ensure) that your contributions as well as
mine must be properly recognized in any fork or derivative of Bacula. 
Bacula is 100% free/open source and will remain so.

Best regards,

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