Hello, As part of the website redesign (still in progress), we have also reworked the Bacula manuals to fix the broken links between the 5 documents as well as to include a new more modern cover page. Hopefully before the end of March when the next Bacula release is scheduled (it may be deferred into April if the testing doesn't go well), I will also have found the time to do a bit of cleanup of the manual and backport the cleanups/clarifications that we have made to the Enterprise manual. The current manual has bee taken by the Bareos project, and my name as the principle author was removed, which given that it is the fruit of 14 years of hard work, is not acceptable to me. To avoid this in the future, I am considering (90% decided) to switch the license from the current GNU Free Documentation License to the Community Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. For you as users, as far as I can see (I am not a lawyer) there is little difference as the new CC-BY-SA gives you the same rights and is a Free Software license. The difference is that people who want to copy or fork it will be required to keep the attributions. To ensure that the attributions are correct I will start a new documentation attributions file probably named DOC-AUTHORS which will contain all the names of the contributors. For those of you who have contributed with patches, assuming that they were committed under your name (our current practice), I will pull all such names from the git repository and start the file with those names. Obviously, the list I present below needs to be cleaned up a bit, which I will do before posting the new document, but for the moment, the contributors are: Alexandre Baron <balexfr at users dot sourceforge dot net> Arno Lehmann <arnol at users dot sourceforge dot net> aussenwasser <aussenwasser at users dot sourceforge dot net> Bastian Friedrich <bastian dot friedrich at collax dot com> Bruno Friedmann <bruno at ioda-net dot ch> Christopher S dot Hull <csh at raidersolutions dot com> Dan Langille <dan at langille dot org> Davide Franco <bacula-dev at dflc dot ch> Davide Franco <dfranco at dflc dot ch> Dirk H Bartley <dbartley at schupan dot com> Eric Bollengier <eric at baculasystems dot com> Eric Bollengier <eric at eb dot homelinux dot org> Eric Bollengier <eric at zogi dot (none)> Frank Sweetser <fes at users dot sourceforge dot net> James Harper <james dot harper at bendigoit dot com dot au> Jeremy C dot Reed <jeremy-c-reed at users dot sourceforge dot net> Jose Herrera <herrerajs at users dot sourceforge dot net> Jose Herrera <herrerajs at yahoo dot com> Jo Simoens <polyglot at users dot sourceforge dot net> Juan Luis Francis <indpnday at users dot sourceforge dot net> Karl Cunningham <karlec at users dot sourceforge dot net> Kermorgant <grizzli at users dot sourceforge dot net> Kern Sibbald <kern at sibbald dot com> Landon Fuller <landonf at opendarwin dot org> Lucas Di Pentima <lucas at lunix dot com dot ar> Ludovic Strappazon <lstrappazon at users dot sourceforge dot net> Marco van Wieringen <mvw at planets dot elm dot net> Meno Abels <meno dot abels at adviser dot com> mhallock <mhallock at scs dot uiuc dot edu> Nicolas Boichat <nicolas at boichat dot ch> Peter Buschman <peterb at iotk dot com> Philippe Chauvat <philippe dot chauvat at baculasystems dot com> Philipp Storz <Philipp dot Storz at dass-it dot de> Richard Mortimer <richm at oldelvet dot org dot uk> Robert Nelson <robertn at the-nelsons dot org> Scott Barninger <sbarn at scott dot localdomain> Scott Barninger <scott at barninger dot com> Sebastien Guilbaud <sebastien dot guilbaud at bull dot net> Thomas Glatthor <Thomas dot Glatthor at ic3s dot de> Thomas Mueller <thomas at chaschperli dot ch> Thorsten Engel <thorsten dot engel at matrix-computer dot com> Victor Hugo dos Santos <victorhugops at users dot sourceforge dot net The purpose of this email is three fold: 1. To solicit your feedback on this possible license change. For more details see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ and https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode 2. If you have contributed to the manuals but are not on the above list and want to be on the list, please send me your name, email address, and a rough idea of what you contributed. 3. If you do not want your name on this list, please let me know, and I will remove it. Best regards, Kern |
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