Hello Wolfgang,

The drive is allocated first.  Your analysis is correct, but
obviously something is wrong.  I don't think this is happening
any more with the Enterprise version, so it will very likely
be fixed in the next release as we will backport (or flowback)
some rather massive changes we have made in the last
during the "freeze" to the community version.

If you want to see what is going on a little more, turn on
a debug level in the SD of about 100.  Likewise you can set a debug
level in the SD of say 1 or 2, then when you do a status,
if Bacula is having difficulties reserving a drive, it will print
out more detailed information on what is going on -- this last
is most effective if jobs end up waiting because a resource
(drive or volume) is not available.

Best regards,

On 02/17/2014 11:54 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Kern Sibbald,
> In message <5301db23.6010...@sibbald.com> you wrote:
>> Were you careful to change the actual volume retention period in
>> the catalog entry for the volume?  That requires a manual step after
>> changing the conf file.  You can check two ways:
> Yes, I was. "list volumes" shows the new retention period for all
> volumes.
>> 1. Look at the full output from all the jobs and see if any
>> volumes were recycled while the batch of jobs ran.
> Not in this run, and not in any of the last 15 or so before that.
>> 2. Do a llist on all the volumes that were used during the
>> period the problem happened and see if they were freshly
>> recycled and that the retention period is set to your new
>> value.
> retention period is as expected, no recycling happened.
>> In any case, I will look over your previous emails to see if I see
>> anything that could point to a problem, and I will look at the bug
>> report, but without a test case, this is one of those "nightmare"
>> bugs that take huge resources and time to fix.
> Hm... I wonder why the DIR allocates for two simultaneous running jobs
> two pairs of (DRIVE, VOLUME), but not using the volume currently
> mounted in the respective drive, but in the other one.  I would
> expect, that when a job starts, that either a volume or a drive is
> selected first:
> - if the drive is selected first, and it has a tape loaded which is in
>   the right pool, and in status append, then there should be no need
>   to ask for any other tape.
> - if the volume is allocated first, and it is already loaded in a
>   suitable drive, then that drive should be used, ant not the other
>   one.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

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