Tried that, unfortunately, for some reason the DISK-TO-TAPE backup (using COPY) 
shows NO JOBS to copy.  I had it as a priority 95 but the query apparently runs 
and since the current jobs are queued but not completed, it either shows NO 
JOBS or only a couple of jobs that have finished.  Here is the query:

job {
        Name = Disk-to-Tape
        JobDefs = Default-Disk-to-Tape-Job
        Priority = 95
        Selection Type = SQLQuery
        Selection Pattern = "SELECT J.JobId
FROM Job J, Pool P
WHERE P.Name IN ('Daily-Incr','Weekly-Diff','Monthly-Full')
AND P.PoolId = J.PoolId
AND J.Type = 'B'
AND J.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
AND J.StartTime >= NOW() - INTERVAL '3 DAYS'
AND J.JobBytes > 0
(SELECT PriorJobId
WHERE Type IN ('B','C')
AND Job.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
AND PriorJobId != 0)

Steven Hammond
I.T. Manager
Technical Chemical Company

For support, please email us at

-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Schuerkamp [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:28 AM
To: Steven Hammond
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Kicking off a job

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 03:13:27PM +0000, Steven Hammond wrote:
> Here is the scenario.  We kick off a daily DISK-TO-DISK backup at 18:00.  We 
> then kick off a DISK-TO-TAPE Backup (COPY) at 23:59 assuming the early job is 
> finished.  This works for the daily incrementals, but the differentials and 
> full backups take longer.  Yes, I could change the schedule for the 
> DISK-TO-TAPE backup but I was wondering if it is possible, somehow, to kick 
> off the DISK-TO-TAPE after the last job in the DISK-TO-DISK backup is 
> complete (the catalog backup)?  I assume it would be in the RunAfterJob on 
> the catalog backup job, but I'm not for sure how to kick it off. Any 
> suggestions would be appreciated.
> Steven Hammond
> I.T. Manager
> Technical Chemical Company

Hi Steven,

you could use different job prios to ensure the (lower priority)
d2t-Jobs starts off only when all other higher-prio jobs are finished.


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