
I have never heard of this problem.  You say that
"this problem was known".  Can you cite a reference
to this problem?

Best regards,

On 02/05/2014 06:17 PM, Pierre Bernhardt wrote:
> Hello,
> it looks like an old issue already known on 5.0 release is still in 5.2.6.
> If a backup job starts to a client which is not available because a user has
> shut down the system the bacula-sd crashes. In the past on the old release
> which I used in Squeeze this problem was known and I should upgrade to newer
> release. This was a few years ago. No I upgraded to Wheezy with 5.2.6 and
> I must find the issue again. Can anybody confirm that issue so I should
> open a bug request?
> Cheers...
> Pierre
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