Hi all,
I have an Overland Tape library with two LTO6 drives.

I verified that I can write 2.5TB on each tape both via tar and using
the btape command (fill test on a single tape).
Here is the end of the command output, telling me that 2.5TB of data were 
written to tape:

Wrote block=39015000, file,blk=2518,1499 VolBytes=2,516,935,615,488 rate=99.83 
Wrote block=39020000, file,blk=2518,6499 VolBytes=2,517,258,175,488 rate=99.84 
31-Jan 18:21 btape JobId 0: End of Volume "TestVolume1" at 2518:10316 on device 
"drive0" (/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.
31-Jan 18:21 btape JobId 0: Re-read of last block succeeded.
btape: btape.c:2712 Last block at: 2518:10315 this_dev_block_num=10316
btape: btape.c:2747 End of tape 2518:0. Volume Bytes=2,517,504,417,792. Write 
rate = 99.82 MB/s
btape: btape.c:2318 Wrote 1000 blocks on second tape. Done.

During backups, though, the tapes are never filled up to that limit:

20-Jan 08:49 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: End of Volume "FB7005L6" at 1668:1 on device 
(/dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-fc-0x50050763124cb9db:0x0000000000000000-nst). Write of 64512 
bytes got -1.
20-Jan 08:49 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: Re-read of last block succeeded.
20-Jan 08:49 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: End of medium on Volume "FB7005L6" 
Bytes=1,667,893,312,512 Blocks=25,854,000 at 20-Jan-2014 08:49.

20-Jan 23:09 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: End of Volume "FB7006L6" at 1402:1 on device 
(/dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-fc-0x50050763124cb9db:0x0000000000000000-nst). Write of 64512 
bytes got -1.
20-Jan 23:09 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: Re-read of last block succeeded.
20-Jan 23:09 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: End of medium on Volume "FB7006L6" 
Bytes=1,401,910,336,512 Blocks=21,731,000 at 20-Jan-2014 23:09.

21-Jan 18:05 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: End of Volume "FB7007L6" at 1625:1 on device 
(/dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-fc-0x50050763124cb9db:0x0000000000000000-nst). Write of 64512 
bytes got -1.
21-Jan 18:05 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: Re-read of last block succeeded.
21-Jan 18:05 gsbacula2-sd JobId 7300: End of medium on Volume "FB7007L6" 
Bytes=1,624,896,064,512 Blocks=25,187,500 at 21-Jan-2014 18:05.

Does anybody understand what is going on?

                        Thanks, Stefano.

Stefano Stalio - Servizio Calcolo               tel   0862-437423
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare           fax   0862-437570
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
SS 17/bis - km 18.910                           stefano.sta...@lngs.infn.it
67010 Assergi - L`Aquila

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