Dear All who responded,
The problem has now been resolved. Bootstrap file and then import db worked
well.  (Now to start restoring some dead server partitions).

Awesome Mailing List!  HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!   (Now I can go home and enjoy
the rest of the holiday :)  ).

@Kern, appreciate your comments. This was a server admin issue.  Nothing
wrong with Bacula.


> Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like my next step should be to 
> create a new database.  Then bscan the tape back into the database.
> I've used bscan before, but never restored from a bootstrap file.

That sounds like probably a good procedure, yes.  I'd try to figure out what
happened to the DB first, but if there's just no trace of it, create a new
database, bscan the last night's tape, use that metadata to restore last
night's catalog dump, then go from there.
  Phil Stracchino

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