* Am Sun, Dec 22 at 16:34:35 -0600 , schrieb Dimitri Maziuk:
> On 12/22/2013 12:44 PM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello Christoph,
> > 
> > Would you mind putting this into the bugs database
> > under Feature Requests.  I am looking at the network
> > code these days, and I think we can do something here.
> ...
> >> It would be great if this worked (ip instead of ipv6):
> >>  FDAddresses = { 
> >>   ip = { addr = :: ; port = 9102; }
> >>  }
> Keep in mind that letting it automagically pick ip version can be
> tricky: if the nameserver returns both AAAA and A records for host
> lookup, but the client there only talks ipv4, your connect will depend
> on the order of the records in dns reply. If A comes first, you'll
> connect. If AAAA comes first, you'll fail.

It works with bacula. 

if the fd only listens on v4 but has a A and a AAAA record, the director tries 
first but then falls back to v4. The start of a backup takes a bit longer,
but it works.

> This is particularly nasty with smtp: mail server will just keep
> retrying & it'll be a week or two before the message bounces -- even
> though recipient's mail server is working perfectly well. (Over ipv4.)
> -- 
> Dimitri Maziuk
> Programmer/sysadmin
> BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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