Hello Paul,

Thank you for your kind words; they mean much more to me than
you might imagine.

I for one use lots of open source, but find time to contribute to Bacula,
so I understand that not everyone contribute.  Besides for me the
greatest part
of Bacula is knowing that lots of people use it and like it.

This has been very hard on me especially the (alleged) stolen code part. 
Had I known that this would happen in the beginning, I would probably
have contributed my time to some local charity (well I have done that but
could have done a lot more). 

That said, I am determined to continue and do the best that I can
for Bacula.

Best regards,

On 12/16/2013 05:26 PM, Paul Tabashov wrote:
> Kern,
>    It is very sad indeed to hear that you have to deal with all this and I 
> can't even imagine what it must feel like to have someone work with you and 
> then do something like this. I know nothing has been proven in the court etc, 
> but I know what kind of dedication you have to Bacula and how much personal 
> time and effort you put into this. 
>   I count myself as one of the "silent" supporters of Bacula whereby I do not 
> participate much in lists and contribute no code, but I just want to express 
> my gratitude to you for all you have done to create such a great project and 
> also express you support in what you are going through with this situation 
> with Bareos. 
> Best regards,
> Paul Tabashov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:k...@sibbald.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 4:08 PM
> To: bacula-users; bacula-devel; bacula-announce
> Cc: Frank Barker; Aristide Caraccio
> Subject: [Bacula-devel] Letter to the Bacula Community concerning Bareos
> Hello,
> As I promised on the 25th of November, I have written a more detailed 
> discussion on Bareos and the Bacula Systems lawsuit.
> If you wish to read it please see:
> http://www.bacula.org/en/?page=news
> Best regards,
> Kern
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