For Macs, I find it easier to make an installer package than a brew install:

For the latest MacOS X, I added to
        mkdir -p -m 0755 /usr/local/var

add to autoconf/confdefs.h (or crc32.c):
        #define HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
since it wasn't getting defined for some reason.

Then do:
./configure --enable-client-only --without-tcp-wrappers --disable-conio
make -C platforms/osx

and it makes a .dmg file that you can copy around to various clients.

Robert Candey

The contents of this message are mine personally and do not reflect 
any position of the US Government or NASA.

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:09:50 +0100
From: Julien Cochennec <>
To: <>
Subject: [Bacula-users] Bacula, chocolatey and homebrew


1) Homebrew
I'd like to install bacula-fd on Mac computers easily, therefore I had a
look at Macports, Fink and Homebrew, and Homebrew is definitely the
fastest tool here, so I'd like to install Bacula with Homebrew. Is there
anyone who has tried this yet?
Bacula is in homebrew formulas but only in version 5.2.13 as you can see
in this script :

require  'formula'

class  BaculaFd  <  Formula
    homepage  ''
    md5  'b04c22b128b73359e4bbc9de06652c38'

    def  install
      system  "./configure",  "--prefix=#{prefix}",  "--sbindir=#{bin}",
      system  "make"
      system  "make install"

      # Ensure var/run exists:
      (var  +  'run').mkpath


Is there a way to install bacula 5.2.6 by modifying this script? Do I
have to change the MD5 parameter if I replace the 5.2.12 parameter?

2) Chocolatey
Same question for chocolatey, has anyone succeeded in installing
Bacula-fd on windows (>=7) with chocolatey?

3) Is installing 5.2.13 version of bacula on the Debian server a good
idea? Or is it to early?

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