Quoting Mike Brady <mike.br...@devnull.net.nz>:

> I asked this question a couple of months ago and didn't get a
> response, but have seen a few sort of similar questions lately and
> thought that I would ask again before trying this in production.
> I have a disk based pool and want to run concurrent backups to this
> pool. I am currently running backups one job at a time to this pool,
> but doing the backups this way is starting to take too long. A number
> of the jobs have runscripts that take a while (a couple of hours in
> one case) to run.  During the time that these scripts are running the
> Bacula server is doing nothing.
> I realize that I could configure a separate pool/device for some or
> all of these jobs and get concurrency that way, but this would
> complicate copy jobs that run later, hence my desire to do concurrent
> backups to the same pool.
> I found this example
> http://toshine.org/etc/bacula-concurrent-jobs-multiple-storage-devices-client-labeled-pools-debian-installation-configuration/
>  where multiple devices are configured that use the same disk  
> based
> pool.
> This does seem to work in that I do get the desired number of
> concurrent jobs running, but I get varying numbers of the following
> messages each time the schedule is run.
> 20-Nov 00:05 bacula03-sd JobId 9569: Job
> pfsense03.2013-11-20_00.05.00_31 is waiting. Cannot find any
> appendable volumes.
> Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:
>      Storage:      "FileDevice04" (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
>      Pool:         IncPool
>      Media type:   File01
> The jobs that I get the messages for vary each time.  The job does
> retry after 5 minutes and normally runs then.  Occasionally I will get
> a second message for a job, but it always retries and I can not
> remember ever having a job that didn't run successfully eventually.
> There are always volumes available.  Either existing appendable
> volumes or capacity with in the pool to create more volumes.
> I am using the bacula 5.2.13 packages from
> http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/slaanesh/bacula/epel-6/x86_64/ on
> Centos 6.4.
> Is this approach of having multiple devices utilising the same disk
> based pool a valid approach to doing concurrent backups or is it not
> supposed to work?
> I am happy to provide the full configuration files or any other
> information that may be required.
> Thanks
> Mike
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A log message from one of the jobs.

22-Nov 00:05 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Start Backup JobId 9587,  
22-Nov 00:05 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Using Device "FileDevice02" to write.
22-Nov 00:05 dnsdhcp03-fd JobId 9587: shell command: run  
ClientBeforeJob "/sbin/vgcfgbackup"
22-Nov 00:05 dnsdhcp03-fd JobId 9587: ClientBeforeJob:   Volume group  
"vg_sys_dnsdhcp03" successfully backed up.
22-Nov 00:05 bacula03-sd JobId 9587: Job  
dnsdhcp03.2013-11-22_00.05.00_06 is waiting. Cannot find any  
appendable volumes.
Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:
     Storage:      "FileDevice02" (/bacula_storage/FileDevice)
     Pool:         IncPool
     Media type:   File01
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: There are no more Jobs  
associated with Volume "IncPool-0179". Marking it purged.
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: All records pruned from Volume  
"IncPool-0179"; marking it "Purged"
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Recycled volume "IncPool-0179"
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 9587: Recycled volume "IncPool-0179" on  
device "FileDevice02" (/bacula_storage/FileDevice), all previous data  
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Volume used once. Marking Volume  
"IncPool-0179" as Used.
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-sd JobId 9587: Elapsed time=00:00:01, Transfer  
rate=10.76 K Bytes/second
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Bacula bacula03-dir 5.2.13 (19Jan13):
   Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
   JobId:                  9587
   Job:                    dnsdhcp03.2013-11-22_00.05.00_06
   Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2013-11-21 00:05:04
   Client:                 "dnsdhcp03-fd" 5.2.13 (19Jan13)  
x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
   FileSet:                "dnsdhcp" 2010-07-13 23:05:01
   Pool:                   "IncPool" (From Job IncPool override)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "FileStorage01" (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time:         22-Nov-2013 00:05:00
   Start time:             22-Nov-2013 00:05:02
   End time:               22-Nov-2013 00:10:03
   Elapsed time:           5 mins 1 sec
   Priority:               10
   FD Files Written:       9
   SD Files Written:       9
   FD Bytes Written:       9,681 (9.681 KB)
   SD Bytes Written:       10,769 (10.76 KB)
   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
   Software Compression:   88.3 %
   VSS:                    no
   Encryption:             no
   Accurate:               no
   Volume name(s):         IncPool-0179
   Volume Session Id:      2
   Volume Session Time:    1385001242
   Last Volume Bytes:      11,660 (11.66 KB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
   SD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Backup OK

22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: No Jobs found to prune.
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: Begin pruning Files.
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: No Files found to prune.
22-Nov 00:10 bacula03-dir JobId 9587: End auto prune.

This is the pool definition.
Pool {
   Name = IncPool
   Pool Type = Backup
   Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
   Use Volume Once = yes
   Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
   Recycle = yes
   Action On Purge = Truncate
   Auto Prune = yes
   Volume Retention = 2 weeks
   Label Format = "IncPool-"

There are volumes available for reuse, but new volumes can be created  
if needed.

Has no one else tried to do this?

How can I get more information on why Bacula thinks that there are no  
appendable volumes?

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