On 11/04/2013 2:01 pm, Dan Langille wrote:
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 4:48 PM, dweimer wrote:

> I have no idea.  But I have one suggestion, just for kicks.
> I've long been skeptical of multiple run before/after scripts.  I've
> always preferred
> to have just one script.  Is it worth combining them into one?

I have one shell script, that is specified, but only calls two other 

I never did update this, I finally resolved the issue, but I am still 
unsure why it started, the backup without the run before script ended up 
failing as well, it did this multiple times.  I first reinstalled all 
the FreeBSD ports installed on the system, no change.  Finally I rebuilt 
the Operating system from source, same exact source files, 
configuration, settings and process that was used before, and had been 
running on.  After that backups started working again, even with the 
client run before script re-enabled.

    Dean E. Weimer

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