On 10/28/2013 03:57 PM, Bill Arlofski wrote:
> On 10/26/13 12:27, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In response to your question.  The Enabled flag in the
>> Volume (Media) record is for use in disabling from any
>> kind of use whatsoever.  This is the only way we can guarantee
>> that a really bad Volume can never be mounted, and the use
>> of it as we currently use it, is in my opinion correct.
>> From what I understand, you are trying for force Bacula to
>> ignore all volumes but those that are explicitly in some magazine.
>> In that case, it seems to me that you might be better off defining
>> each magazine to be a different Pool.  Of course, if you are using
>> Pools for other things that could cause problems.
>> Another way of doing it would be to change the Volume status to
>> Disabled, or Busy, and then those volumes will not be used, except
>> for read purposes (I think).
>> There needs to be a way to disable a volume, and your suggestion
>> will remove it, so I think implementing would cause a lot of problems.
>> Best regards,
>> Kern
> Hi Kern,
> Thank you for the thoughtful response.   Yes, I see now where using the
> "enabled" field for a volume would probably be an incorrect use of it.
> I will investigate setting the status of the volume(s) to "disabled",
> "read-only", or maybe "Busy" instead of manipuating the "enabled" field and
> see if that works to fix my "No Full backup found" issue as well as to keep
> Bacula from requesting or attempting to use these volumes during a backup - My
> guess is that it will solve both issues and will be a more appropriate 
> solution.
> Thanks again.

Hello Bill,

Unfortunately, after a bit more thought about your problem, I am not sure
that changing the VolStatus is really going to be much help, because the
VolStatus has a number of different states, and when you want to reuse the
Volume you will probably want to put it back in the prior state -- that
is a bit
difficult when you are dealing with a value that is not just flipping a bit.

Probably what you are really asking for is a new Directive that is perhaps
called UseInChangerOnly, which would only look at Volume that are in
the Autochanger (in the magazine in your case).  Unfortunately, not only
is that new code, but for disk based files, the InChanger flag is not
updated, so it isn't just a trivial change.

It is however something that I sometimes want when I go on vacation,
I would like my (real) autochanger to only use Volumes in the changer,
and to even purge the oldest one if it needs to.  I will think about it,
especially now that I am leaving Saturday for a 1 month "vacation".
Such a mode also makes sense in very large autochangers where
all the volumes are in the changer.

In the mean time, if you find a solution, please let me know what you
came up with.

Best regards,

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