On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 01:39:52AM -0400, Novosielski, Ryan wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> I upgraded my system from Bacula 2.2.8 to 5.0.3 awhile back and
> upgraded MySQL from 5.0 to 5.5 if I'm not mistaken. Since that time,
> I've been having reliability problems. My schedule is to run
> incrementals every day except for the 2nd and 4th Tuesday and fulls on
> those days instead. When I tend to have trouble is on the 2nd and 4th
> Tuesday. The backups on those days hang -- I need to restart the
> storage daemon and the director it seems like to clear the hang. That
> is another problem. However, I believe the cause of the hang is a slow
> delete when the director goes to purge the "full" tape. I have tried
> running 'status dir' right before one of these backups is to take
> place and there is a pause for probably more than a minute. MySQL at
> that time grows to 20% of the system in CPU use. I checked 'mysqladmin
> processlist' and I see what is taking so long is the following:
> | 1063 | bacula | localhost | bacula | Query   | 71   | updating |
> DELETE FROM File WHERE JobId IN (14485,14486,14487,14488,14489) |

Hi Ryan,

how large is your File table? Have you tried a "repair table File" and
maybe a dbcheck? Have you checked the indices for damage? Are you
using innodb or MyISAM for your storage backend? How much RAM is
installed in your box, and how large is your bacula database overall? 

Depending on the number of rows in your file table, volume recycling
(which involves deleting all records for jobs on that volume from the
File table) can take a very long time. For large tapes and File tables
(a billion rows or more) I have seen upwards of 4 hours for a single
volume recycle, but thankfully those days are past now for us since we
got rid of copy jobs and migrated to disk-based backups with separate
devices, storages and pools for each client. 


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