2013/9/25 Deepak <dee...@palincorporates.com>
>> What issue you woluld like to resolve before that?
> As I have explained in first mail of this thread. I have a volume already
> written after some time when bacula is trying to write it again then it is
> giving below error.
> 24-Sep 12:26 backup-dir JobId 30: Start Backup JobId 30,
> Job=CONFIG.2013-09-24_12.26.**00_54
> 24-Sep 12:26 backup-dir JobId 30: Using Device "Tape-0"
> 24-Sep 12:27 backup-sd JobId 30: Volume "A00041L4" previously written,
> moving to end
> of data.
> 24-Sep 12:46 backup-sd JobId 30: Error: Unable to position to end of data
> on device
> "Tape-0" (/dev/lin_tape/IBMtape0): ERR=dev.c:1208 read error on "Tape-0"
> (/dev/lin_tape/IBMtape0). ERR=Input/output error.
> 24-Sep 12:46 backup-sd JobId 30: Marking Volume "A00041L4" in Error in
> Catalog.
This volume is in Error state.
> you was saying that it all is due to lin_tape driver.
> Now, I have removed lin_tape driver and I am using st only. I scheduled a
> same job again. It gives me below log messages :
> 2013-09-25 17:37:02backup-dir JobId 55: Start Backup JobId 55,
> Job=CONFIGBackup.2013-09-25_**17.37.00_04
> 2013-09-25 17:37:02backup-dir JobId 55: Using Device "Tape-0"
> 2013-09-25 17:37:02backup-sd JobId 55: Volume "A00041L4" previously
> written, moving to end of data.
Did you change an invalid volume in Error status to Append one? Why? It was
in Error, incorrect state, so in my opinion all you should do is to purge a
volume and start again.
> [YOU CAN SEE THAT EVEN AFTER more than 1:30 hr still this job is saying
> moving to the end of data. post that I canceled that job manually.]
Did you tried a new/fresh/purged volume?
> 2013-09-25 19:03:49backup-dir JobId 55: Fatal error: Network error with FD
> during Backup: ERR=Interrupted system call
> 2013-09-25 19:03:49backup-dir JobId 55: Error: Director's comm line to SD
> dropped.
> 2013-09-25 19:03:49backup-dir JobId 55: Fatal error: No Job status
> returned from FD.
> 2013-09-25 19:03:49backup-dir JobId 55: Bacula backup-dir 5.2.12 (12Sep12):
> Build OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise
> release
> JobId: 55
> Job: CONFIGBackup.2013-09-25_17.37.**00_04
> Backup Level: Full
> Client: "backup-fd" 5.2.12 (12Sep12)
> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,**redhat,Enterprise release
> FileSet: "CONFIG" 2013-09-23 15:30:25
> Pool: "BACKUP" (From Job resource)
> Catalog: "DefaultCatalog" (From Client resource)
> Storage: "Autochanger" (From Pool resource)
> Scheduled time: 25-Sep-2013 17:37:00
> Start time: 25-Sep-2013 17:37:02
> End time: 25-Sep-2013 19:03:49
> Elapsed time: 1 hour 26 mins 47 secs
> Priority: 10
> FD Files Written: 0
> SD Files Written: 0
> FD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
> SD Bytes Written: 0 (0 B)
> Rate: 0.0 KB/s
> Software Compression: None
> VSS: no
> Encryption: no
> Accurate: yes
> Volume name(s):
> Volume Session Id: 1
> Volume Session Time: 1380110696
> Last Volume Bytes: 730,495,245,312 (730.4 GB)
> Non-fatal FD errors: 2
> SD Errors: 0
> FD termination status: Error
> SD termination status: Error
> Termination: Backup Canceled
> I have around 680 GB of data on that volume . will it take that much time
> to move to EOD...???
The tape is in incorrect state - it was marked as Error by Bacula. In my
opinion you should purge the volume and start again.
best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
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