I'm not an expert, but my guess would be that no, this won't affect which
drive will be used for backup--except to the extent that the tape in
question is left in that drive until the backup runs--my understanding is
that a mounted (& suitable) tape, in whichever drive, is preferred when
running a backup.

I assume that your library has more than one drive (or it wouldn't
prompt)--in general, you can receive more helpful responses if you let us
see at least part of your config (in this case especially the sd config).
 You can always anonymize the passwords & such.


On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Deepak <dee...@palincorporates.com> wrote:

> Dear Team,
> While labeling a new volume My system is asking me to enter auto
> changer drive.
> See Below command output:
> *label barcodes slot=1 pool=pool1
> Automatically selected Catalog: catalog1
> Using Catalog "catalog1"
> The defined Storage resources are:
>       1: File
>       2: Autochanger
> Select Storage resource (1-2): 2
> Enter autochanger drive[0]:
> Please tell me, Is this "Enter autochanger drive[0]:" option in anyhow
> is related to backup/restore job(will this selection plays any role in
> selecting drive used while job execution?).
> Thanks in advance...!
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