
2013/9/19 <deepak....@wipro.com>

>  Dear Team,****
> ** **
> While running a Incremental Job on a volume I received below errors.****
> ** **
> 19-Sep 22:06 backup-sd JobId 129: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0",
> status is OK.****
> 19-Sep 22:06 backup-sd JobId 129: Volume "A00044L4" previously written,
> moving to end of data.****
> 19-Sep 22:08 backup-sd JobId 129: Error: Bacula cannot write on tape
> Volume "A00044L4" because:****
> *The number of files mismatch! Volume=14 Catalog=29*
> 19-Sep 22:08 backup-sd JobId 129: Marking Volume "A00044L4" in Error in
> Catalog.****
> 19-Sep 22:08 backup-sd JobId 129: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 5,
> drive 0" command.****
> ** **
> After that job suspended with errors as there was no more volume in pool.
> This is reflected from logs that this error comes due to mismatch between
> actual files on volume and file numbers in catalog. ****
> **1.      **please tell me how this happen ?
I saw this kind of errors when SD write something to the volume, but has
problem in updating the catalog. In this case number of files on volume was
greater then on catalog. This is opposite situation then your.

> ****
> **2.      **what I can do to avoid this situation again?
I don't know.

> ****
> **3.      **This volume is marked as ERROR what I should do to repair
> this volume to continue to use it as a good volume?
I recommend to purge the volume and start writing from beginning. You can
update a number of files in catalog for this volume, but I cannot guarantee
that it do not break anything.

> **4.      **Can I still restore my files from this volume?****
> **
It is possible. Check what is written to the volume with bls utility.

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
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