On 19 September 2013 21:53, <lst_ho...@kwsoft.de> wrote:
> Zitat von Konstantin Khomoutov <flatw...@users.sourceforge.net>:
> Our biggest single job has about 1TB data with some 3.3 million files.
> This lead to around 1GB spooled attributes which will be absorbed in
> less then 2 minutes. Database is Postgres with some minimal tuning:
> shared_buffers = 128MB
> temp_buffers = 32MB
> work_mem = 32MB
> maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
> checkpoint_segments = 32
> checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
> That's all
> Database hovers around 21GB in size with with some 57 million rows in
> the file table.
how much ram you have in your server?
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