On 2013-09-17, at 3:53 PM, Phil Stracchino <ala...@metrocast.net> wrote:

> On 09/17/13 13:57, Jeff MacDonald wrote:
>> I was reading one of Dan Langilles blogs where he mentions he has a separate 
>> pool for full/incremental/differential backup jobs.
>> I was wondering the though behind this and why? Does it only apply to when 
>> using tapes or are there strategic benefits to doing it even when using 
>> files for backup volumes?
> It makes it trivially simple to have different media retention times for
> different types of jobs in order to keep the quantity of backup media
> under control.
> Personally, I have a Full pool on tape, run monthly with twelve months
> retention; a Differential pool on disk, run weekly with three months'
> retention; and an Incremental pool  ondisk, run daily with one month
> retention; and it's easy to automatically expire and delete opr recycle
> (as appropriate) each volume as it gets past its sell-by date.
Cool. So right now in my case i just have one big pool. Which means when i get 
in a pinch and have to purge the oldest volumes by hand, there is a chance i'm 
getting rid of portions of full diff and incrementals. where as if i had 3 
pools i could be much more specific about what i was getting rid of.
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