Since you seem to have the same problem for quite some time, you seem
to be in trouble, and since you work for a very big company, I recommend
that you find professional help (which I have suggested
previously), because you are probably trying to do something
that is not supported or not fully supported by Bacula.
Best regards,
On 09/17/2013 10:55 AM, deepak....@wipro.com wrote:
Dear Team,
I have a installed and running setup of Bacula 5.2.12 with IBM LTO4
tape library. During my scheduled jobs I am getting bellow error very
/17-Sep 14:15 backup-sd JobId 84: No slot defined in catalog (slot=0)
for Volume "WEB0018" on "Tape-0" (/dev /IBMtape0)./
/17-Sep 14:15 backup-sd JobId 84: Cartridge change or "update slots"
may be required./
/17-Sep 14:15 backup-sd JobId 84: Warning: mount.c:217 Open device
"Tape-0" (/dev /IBMtape0) Volume "WEB0018" failed: ERR=dev.c:513
Unable to open device "Tape-0" (/dev /IBMtape0): ERR=No medium found/
/17-Sep 14:15 backup-sd JobId 84: Please mount Volume "WEB0018" or
label a new one for:/
/Job: FullBackupConfig.2013-09-17_14.05.00_57/
/Storage: "Tape-0" (/dev /IBMtape0)/
/Pool: WEB/
/ Media type: LTO-4/
After this error job is in running state always and showing this
message again and again. Below is the output of list media command
after this error.
/| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes |
VolFiles | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType |
LastWritten |/
/| 10 | A00044L4 | Error | 1 | 26,583,782,400
| 8 | 7,776,000 | 1 | 5 | 1 | LTO-4 |
2013-09-15 18:10:54 |/
Previously I have removed this error by deleting volume and labeling a
new slot in the pool.
*delete volume=A00044L4
*label barcodes slot=XXX pool=XXX
Please tell me exact cause and a proper remedy for this issue. And one
more think in /list media/ command job has marked volume as a Error
vol. Will I be able to restore my backup from this volume or not If
yes then how.
With Regards,
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