Hi Team,
I am using IBM Tape 3584 L53 LTO4 for taking backup using bacula. OS is RHEL 6.4
I suspect this issue is somehow related to tape but hope someone will help me
in resolving this as my final goal is to setup bacula with it.
I have installaed lin_tape module But while using mtx-changer command I am not
able to use changer device created by lin_tape instead I am able to use changer
provided by sg driver.
[root@bacula bacula]# /usr/lib64/bacula/mtx-changer /dev/changer unload 37
/dev/lin_tape/IBMtape0 0
Unloading drive 0 into Storage Element 37...done
Where, /dev/changer is a device created with internal sg module .
Above command is successful executed and unloaded media from tape Drive 0 .
but, I have a doubt it has not placed it on slot no 37 it is placing it on some
other slot in a very fragmented manner. But tape always recognizing these
fragmented slots location. I doubt this is because I am using sg device driver
[root@bacula bacula]# /usr/lib64/bacula/mtx-changer /dev/lin_tape/IBMchanger0
unload 289 /dev/lin_tape/IBMtape1 1
/dev/lin_tape/IBMchanger0 is not an sg device, or old sg driver
Where as , in above command I have used changer device created with lin_tape
module but system is not recognizing it as a proper sg device. I think problem
related to slots will disappear using changer device created by lin_tape.
Please help in resolving the issue.
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