On 8/16/2013 9:07 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> I see you have received a number of suggestions, but another one
> that might improve things if the hangups are due to Windows machines
> or switches is to use the Bacula heartbeat feature.  This will not prevent
> a hang up due to a real comm line failure, but it will prevent most
> causes of hang ups, which are switch/Windows timeouts.
> Regards,
> Kern

Also, while Bacula properly handles Windows power management, the PM 
state Bacula, or any daemon, can set using the Windows API 
(SetThreadExecutionState()), is overridden by the user manually entering 
sleep mode. And from what I've seen, the user closing the lid of a 
laptop constitutes manually entering sleep mode. Then there are users 
who physically remove their laptop from the building. And of course 
there is the very rare real comm link failure.

Bottom line is that as the World moves to more portable workstations 
there just isn't much of a way to guarantee a successful full backup at 
every attempt. So I have learned to live with daily failed jobs, even 
failed incremental jobs. ( Some way to get a warning notification after 
N failures would be welcome.) The best method for handling these 
clients, IMHO, is Bacula's virtual full backups. I have a user with a 
nearly year old Macbook that has never had a successful full backup, 
other than the initial one I made before I let him get his hands on it. 
But it has had incrementals most days and many virtual fulls. I feel 
confident that I could restore every valuable file from that laptop, 
though it regularly has failed jobs.

> On 08/14/2013 03:37 PM, Barak Griffis wrote:
>> Feel free to direct me to a URL, since this seems like an obvious newb
>> question, but I don't see an obvious search result on the webs.
>> If a job gets interrupted (say network drops out midway through a
>> full).  What happens the next time?  does it pick up where it left off
>> or does it start over?
>> Barak
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