I am trying to do a full backup of a RHEL 5 server over a 1GB network it has
10TB of data and it is failing while despooiling. Sometimes the first set of
spooled data de-spools fine but subsequent spooled data fails to despool. I
have Heartbeat Interval = 120" both on the server/client config file. Please
let me know if you have any suggestion. I have had a couple of successful FULL
backups of this client in the past. I am not sure why I am getting network
error now? I would appreciate any help that will help me resolve this issue
02-Aug 00:39 lindy-sd JobId 7125: User specified spool size reached.
02-Aug 00:39 lindy-sd JobId 7125: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling
966,367,832,444 bytes ...
02-Aug 00:55 mambo1-fd JobId 7125: Fatal error: backup.c:892 Network send error
to SD. ERR=Connection timed out 02-Aug 00:55 lindy-sd JobId 7125: Fatal error:
spool.c:301 Fatal append error on device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0): ERR= 02-Aug
00:55 lindy-dir JobId 7125: Error: Bacula lindy-dir 5.2.12 (12Sep12):
Thank you.
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