>>>>> On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:06:21 -0400, Dan Langille said:
> This affects only FreeBSD users.
> At present, when upgrading sysutils/bacula-server or sysutils/bacula-client, 
> the port/package will stop bacula-dir & bacula-sd (or bacula-fd 
> respectively).  This is done as part of the uninstall before doing the 
> subsequent install.
> I think this is not the ideal thing to do.

It may not be ideal for upgrading, but it also applies to fully uninstalling.
I don't know what the FreeBSD convention is for daemons in general but there
are quite a few in /usr/ports/net that stop themselves on uninstall.

>                                             Here are two example scenarios 
> under the current situation:
> 1 - when you're upgrading several servers, you get monitoring systems telling 
> you that the process has stopped running… annoying
> 2 - when you upgrading in a FreeBSD jail *HOST*, the current approach will 
> also stop the corresponding processes in any jails
> #1 is annoying. 
> #2 is downright unexpected.

I think the use of killall is the problem in #2.  It would be better to stop
the daemons with the bacula-ctl-* tools (or rc.d entries) so it will only kill
the correct ones.

> I propose that we don't stop the processes at all.  Leave it up to the 
> sysadmin to do the right thing.
> They can decide to:
> portupgrade
> restart

I've never liked that order because it assumes that the new version's stop
script will work with the old version's running program.


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