I'm running v5.2.5 on my server, and ran into a similar problem when setting up my Windows clients. Installing v5.2.10 of the Bacula client on the Windows box resolved it for me. Are you sure you've listed the right client version? I don't see it on the list of Win files at Sourceforge. Where did you download it from?

Kevin B. Zimmerman

On 07/31/2013 05:53 AM, Felix Geschwindner wrote:

Hey Guys,

I'm close to getting nuts on my bacula deployment. Hopefully someone of you can pull me out of it!

Bacula Version: 5.2.6

Our environment consists of 3 Linux Servers that are backed up on a nightly basis. Server1 and Server2 copy their files via FD to Server3 which runs the DIR and SD. Server3 is copying those files to USB. This all works great!

Now to the Problem:

A Windows fileserver has to be integrated into the mentioned backup structure:

I installed the windows binarys Demo v6.4.2 onto the Windows Server 2008R2 (x64) and configured the conf files as seen on the bottom of the mail.

Now, the connection fails in any direction with a challenge response error:

-Console -> Director

-Director -> FileDeamon

*/Connecting to Director backup02:9101/*

*/bconsole: lib/bsock.c:239-0 Current host[ipv4:] All host[ipv4:]/*

*/bconsole: lib/bsock.c:160-0 who=Director daemon host=backup02 port=9101/*

*/bconsole: lib/cram-md5.c:139-0 cram-get received: auth cram-md5 <784047324.1375263008@backup02-dir> ssl=0/*

*/bconsole: lib/cram-md5.c:161-0 sending resp to challenge: x79iAx+X41Nduw+5ex+ZqC/*

*/bconsole: lib/cram-md5.c:170-0 Received bad response: 1999 Authorization failed./*


*/Director authorization problem./*

*/Most likely the passwords do not agree./*

*/If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate validation error during the TLS handshake./*

*/Please see http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION00260000000000000000 for help./*

I know that this is propably related to a password mismatch ... and that's what I've been trying to resolve for the past 3 hours:

-I copy/pasted the PW

-I used PWs with and without special characters

-I used simple PWs as "123456"

-I used blank PWs

-I used DNS names to connect to the Server/Client

-I used IPs to connect to the Server/Client

-I tried only small/capital letters in hostnames

The weird part here is when I copy the bconsole.conf from the windows client to the linux client (respectively it's content) then the console can connect without any problems ... same with the FD ... works perfectly on the directors local system

Both Servers are listening on the correct ports ... the daemons are not bound to specific addresses and NO firewall is between or on the client or server.

As a last resort I installed a new Linux machine and stripped down the conf files to the very minimum requirements ... you can see them at the bottom of the mail (I left out the schedule and FileSet/Job Parts as they are unnecessary for the connection).

So what am I missing? Is there any problem with the Windows binarys like the client is sending a different PW than the one set in the conf files? The readme states that the conf files need to be UTF8 formatted. I explicitly saved those as copys in UTF8 and used them for console/FD ... in vain as it turns out. First I thought that the error is DNS related but it doesn't work with IP addresses either.



*bacula-fd.conf (Windows Client)*

Director {

  Name = backup02-dir

  Password = "1234"


Director {

  Name = backup02-mon

  Password = "4321"

  Monitor = yes


FileDaemon {

  Name = file02-fd

  WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"

  Pid Directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"

  Plugin Directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\plugins"


Messages {

  Name = Standard

  director = backup02-dir = all, !skipped, !restored


*bconsole.conf (Windows client)*

Director {

  Name = backup02-dir

  address = backup02

  Password = "123456"


*bacula-fd.conf (Linux client)*

Director {

  Name = backup02-dir

  Password = "12345"


Director {

  Name = backup02-mon

  Password = "4321"

  Monitor = yes


FileDaemon {

  Name = backup02-fd

  WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula

  Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Messages {

  Name = Standard

  Director = backup02-dir = all, !skipped, !restored


*bconsole.conf (Linux client)*

Director {

  Name = backup02-dir

  address = backup02

  Password = "1234"



Director {

  Name = backup02-dir

  QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql"

  WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"

  PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula"

  Password = "123456"

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10


Client {

  Name = file02-fd

  Address = file02

  Catalog = FILE02

  Password = "1234"


Client {

  Name = backup02-fd

  Address = backup02

  Catalog = BACKUP02

  Password = "12345"

  File Retention = 60d

  Job Retention = 1y

  AutoPrune = yes


Catalog {

  Name = FILE02

  dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = "tYNPPIhTb97T"


Catalog {

  Name = BACKUP02

  dbname = bacula; user = bacula; password = "tYNPPIhTb97T"


Console {

  Name = backup02-mon

  Password = "4321"

  CommandACL = status, .status



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