On 11/07/2013 11:52 PM, Mingus Dew wrote:
> Just wanted to update everyone on what happened.
> I found that I was hitting the ulimit, which was set very low to 256.
> I tried to set that higher but found it was being ignored. I then found
> its an issue with Solaris stdio.h and limiting to 256 descriptors.
> To work around, I modified the bacula startup scripts to set the ulimit
> and set and ENV variable to overcome the stdio.h limitation
If you had mentioned the Solaris version in the first place, we might 
have suggested this was perhaps the problem.

Or even that it was Solaris.

I've build 64-bit versions of various things on Solaris 8 and later to 
avoid such limitations.

Also I tend to set the hard limit in /etc/system to 1024 or 2048, which 
is an ancient reflex.

                Gary    B-)

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