Hello Christina,

This is  a common problem when you have a job that
runs a long time, particularly on Windows systems, as
one or more of the TCP/IP connections times out.

The solution is to put   "Heartbeat Interval = 300" in
the appropriate resource of each of the daemons concerned --
typically between the DIR and the FD or the DIR and the SD.

Best regards,

On 13-07-09 08:52 PM, Christina Murphy wrote:
Hey y'all,

So I've finally gotten all but one of my clients correctly configured but I have no idea what the issue is with my last machine.

The machine is actually the server for the small company I work for, running Windows Server 2008 x64. It Bacula connects to it just fine and backs up anywhere between 7 and 30 GB (so far that I've noticed). This is the job info:

backupusr-dir No prior Full backup Job record found.
  No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
504serv-fd Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="Win64 VSS", Drive(s)="CE"
backupusr-dir Start Backup JobId 153, Job=ServerBackup.2013-07-04_23.05.00_09
  Using Device "FileStorage"
backupusr-sd Volume "1000018" previously written, moving to end of data.
  Ready to append to end of Volume "1000018" size=52222990263
backupusr-sd User defined maximum volume capacity 53,687,091,200 exceeded on device 
"FileStorage" (/media/backupusr/89461eca-fe61-4bb1-ae36-a040596c994f).
  End of medium on Volume "1000018" Bytes=53,687,090,101 Blocks=832,213 at 
04-Jul-2013 23:59.
  Labeled new Volume "1000019" on device "FileStorage" 
backupusr-sd Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "1000019" on device "FileStorage" 
  New volume "1000019" mounted on device "FileStorage" 
(/media/backupusr/89461eca-fe61-4bb1-ae36-a040596c994f) at 04-Jul-2013 23:59.
Error: lib/bsock.c:397 Write error sending -1 bytes to Storage 
daemon:  <>: ERR=Input/output error
  Fatal error: filed/backup.c:1250 Network send error to SD. ERR=Input/output 
504serv-fd VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Task Scheduler Writer", State: 0x1 
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "VSS Metadata Store Writer", State: 0x1 
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Performance Counters Writer", State: 0x1 
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "ASR Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WIDWriter", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "IIS Config Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "DFS Replication service writer", State: 0x1 
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Shadow Copy Optimization Writer", State: 0x1 
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "BITS Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Registry Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WMI Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Dhcp Jet Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "IIS Metabase Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "COM+ REGDB Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
  VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "NTDS", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
backupusr-sd Fatal error: append.c:161 Error reading data header from FD. 
ERR=No data available
  Job write elapsed time = 00:45:18, Transfer rate = 4.206 M Bytes/second
Error: Bacula backupusr-dir 5.2.6 (21Feb12):
   Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 13.04
   JobId:                  153
   Job:                    ServerBackup.2013-07-04_23.05.00_09
   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
   Client:                 "504serv-fd" 6.0.6 (30Sep12) Microsoft Standard 
Edition (build 9200), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64
   FileSet:                "ServerFileSet" 2013-07-02 15:26:43
   Pool:                   "File" (From Job resource)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "backupusr-sd" (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time:         04-Jul-2013 23:05:00
   Start time:             04-Jul-2013 23:53:44
   End time:               05-Jul-2013 00:39:55
   Elapsed time:           46 mins 11 secs
   Priority:               10
   FD Files Written:       24,079
   SD Files Written:       23,859
   FD Bytes Written:       11,433,836,900 (11.43 GB)
   SD Bytes Written:       11,434,415,297 (11.43 GB)
   Rate:                   4126.2 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   VSS:                    yes
   Encryption:             no
   Accurate:               no
   Volume name(s):         1000018|1000019
   Volume Session Id:      26
   Volume Session Time:    1372795123
   Last Volume Bytes:      9,979,490,380 (9.979 GB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    1
   SD Errors:              1
   FD termination status:  Error
   SD termination status:  Error
   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

I've seen that other people have had the same problem but I haven't been able to find a solution. Any suggestions? Is there a setting I'm missing on our network server or maybe a config setting I need to change in my Bacula config files?

Thanks for any help!

*Christina Murphy*
Student Intern
504ENSICS Labs
(504) 210-8270 (Office)

http://www.504ensics.com <http://www.504ensics.com/>
PGP Key: http://www.504ensics.com/pgp_keys/christinamurphy.asc

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